Dick Grayson x Circus!Reader Part 2

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Request for a part 2 @Lydia221004
Thank you for this request!
Imagine: After when Dick Grayson joins your circus act, he shows you and your siblings his skills.


I was at the circus tent with my siblings to practice our act. Dick went to his dressing room to get ready for today's practice.

Dick came back and he was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He walked towards us and I smiled.

"Alright, ready for today's practice Mr. Grayson?" I asked him.

"I was born ready." Dick smiled.

I looked at my siblings and my sister smirked at me and my brother was giving me kissy faces. I rolled my eyes and I looked at Dick.

"So, would you mind showing us what you got?" I asked him.

"Sure. I'll give it a shot." Dick said, walking away to go up to the top.

When Dick made it to the top of the trapeze, he looked down at us and smiled.

"You could go when your ready, Dick!" I yelled out to him.

Dick nodded and he grab the bar and I see him breathing in and out.

"You excited having him part of the Flying L/N's?" Y/S/N said to me.

"Yes, I'm excited to have him part of this." I said, nodding.

"Aww, sis." Y/B/N teased me.

"Shut up, bro." I said, rolling my eyes.

I hear my brother chuckled and we looked back at Dick. Dick started swinging from bar. Dick flew and grab the other bar to make to the other side.

"Damn, Dick, he is-" I cut my brother off.

"An amazing acrobat? Yes, yes he is." I smiled.

Dick started going again but this time he uses his legs for support on the bar and he grabs the other bar. He jump off the bar and flipped across and grabs the other bar. He makes it to the other side and jumps off the bar and he looks down at us, smiling.

My siblings looked at Dick so amazed and I smiled at him,  knowing he still gots it. Still does ever since he was younger. Dick started coming down and he walks towards us.

"So, what do you guys think?" Dick asked us.

"It was amazing." I smiled at him.

Dick looks at my brother and sister and he responded to them.

"Did you guys like it?" Dick asked them, nervously.

"No, we didn't like it." My brother said

Dick slowly started to frown but my siblings smiled.

"We love it! That was super cool. With you doing the jumping and the grabbing, you look like you are actually flying up there." Y/B/N said, with a smile still on his face.

Dick started smiling at them and then he looked at me.

"Hey, uh Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime, maybe at a café or something?" Dick said

"Sure, I would love to hang out with you. How about tonight, we could grab something to eat." I said, shrugging.

"Okay, cool. I'll see you tonight." Dick smiled, and he walks back to his dressing room.

I sigh, a dreamy sigh. I look at my siblings and I see my sister smirking and my brother doing kissy faces again.

"Shut up, guys!" I groaned, and my cheeks started turning into a blush.

Thank you for the request and sorry if it was crappy. Hope you all enjoyed it! Next Batboy, Jason Todd.

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