Damian Wayne x Shot!Reader

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Imagine: You were shot in the stomach when you were watching TV with Damian Wayne who is your best friend, but you secretly have a crush on him. You already know about him being Robin and sidekick to Batman. Damian rushes you to the hospital but will it be too late?


I was sitting down on the couch with my best friend, Damian Wayne. We were watching many great movies or TV shows. We do this every Friday night.

I yawned and Damian yawns as well. I laughed and Damian gives me a look.

"What?" He asks, giving me a smirk.

"Oh nothing. It's just that you always mimick whatever I do." I smirked back at him.

"No I don't." Damian chuckles.

"Yes you do." I smiled at him, snuggling against his side.

Damian slowly laughs and slowly started to tickle me.

"Stop it." I giggled, pushing him away from me, gently.

"Why should I?" Damian smiled, looking at me with his beautiful eyes.

"Because I sa-" I started but get cut off by the doorbell ringing.

I groaned and I got up from the couch.

"Don't you want me to get the door for you?" He ask me, politely.

"It's okay. I'll get it." I smiled, walking to the door.

"Y/N, I should at least get the do-" I cut him off.

"Damian, it's fine. I'll get it. Sometimes you need to stop worrying." I said, opening the door. "I could take car-"

I stopped talking and I freeze at who I see at the door. It was Joker.

He was giving me a huge grin on his creepy and pale face and he has his gun pointing at me by my stomach. I stood still and I looked down at the gun and look back at the Joker.

Suddenly, I started taking a step back. Joker walk closer, closes the door and responded.

"You must be the lovely Y/N, right?" Joker grinned.

I didn't respond and Damian jumped up from the couch.

"Joker." Damian growled at him.

"Well, well, well, look at who it is." Joker said, looking at Damian.

"What do you want and how did you escape Arkham?" Damian growled at him.

"Oh, I don't tell people my secrets." Joker told him, still pointing his gun at me.

"What do you want?" I choked out, still scared and not knowing what to do.

"Oh don't be scared, sweetie. I have many big plans and I want to give the Big Man a invitation to come to our party." Joker said, many the clicking sound with his gun.

"I won't hesitate to knock your teeth off that smile." Damian growled at him, trying to grab me.

"None of that. Robin." Joker grinned wider.

Suddenly, he pulled the trigger. I froze and I was shot. I fell back to the ground and I heard Damian yell.

"No!" Damian yelled, catching me.

I was clenching my stomach and the pain started consuming my whole body. Tears started coming down my eyes. Damian pulled me close to his body.

"Stay with me, N/N. Stay with me. Please." He told me, placing his hand over mine which where the bullet hit on my skin.

"Damian." I cried.

Joker started laughing and started clapping.

"So much fun. Isn't it, bird boy." Joker laughed at Damian.

Damian gritted his teeth and gives Joker a death glare.

"You bastard! I will carve your heart out and feed it to the rats!" Damian yelled at him.

"Oh don't worry. All she needs to have is a smile on her pretty face." Joker smiled.

Joker pulls out a crowbar, ready to swing at Damian but the sound of windows shattering, Batman breaks through and attacks Joker.

"Y/N." Damian cried, pulling me closer to the his chest.

I kept feeling dizzy and ready to let the darkness consume me.

"Stay awake. I'm gonna get you out of here." Damian told me.

"Damian." I cried to him.

Damian picks me up, bridal style and takes me out of the apartment.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Damian took me through the hospital doors and I was still pain with the gunshot in my stomach.

"Someone! Help! She needs help!" Damian yells out at the nurses.

The nurses put me on the stretchers and started taking me to the bedroom. Damian stayed beside me.

"You're gonna be okay. Trust me." Damian told me, putting his hand on my cheek.

"You're gonna be here with me? You're not gonna leave me? Can you please stay with me?" I begged him, not him to leave me by myself.

"Y/N, I'm gonna be here with you. I will never leave your side." Damian softly said.

"Sir, we need you to stay out here." The one of nurses told Damian, pushing him back and away from me as they kept taking me to the room.

"Damian!" I cried out to him.

"I'll be here! I'm still gonna be there for you." I heard him said, as I blacked out.

~~~Another Time Skip~~~

Damian Wayne POV

I was sitting at the waiting room, praying and hoping that Y/N is alright. That damn clown shot her right in front of me and I couldn't save in time of the bullet.

Suddenly I heard the doors open and my father, Grayson, Todd, Drake, and Pennyworth came rushing in, towards me.

"How is she?" Drake asks me.

"I don't know. It's been hours already."  I told them, and I looked at father. "Where is he?"

"Back at Arkham." He told me

I nodded and the nurse came out, with a frown on her face.

'Come on Y/N. Please be okay.' I thought myself.

The nurse walked up to us and let's out a sigh.

"Well, the bullet has made quite damages throughout her body, the surgery quite didn't go as we planned for her to be." The nurse told us.

"What are you saying? Is she at least sleeping? Isn't she awake?" I questioned her, impatiently.

I need her to be okay.

"I'm sorry." The nurse said, looking at all of us. "She didn't make it. She died."

Tears started forming from my eyes and I shook my head.

"No. No. No." I repeated

"Master Damian." Pennyworth said, trying to put a hand on my shoulder but push it off.

"No, she's okay. She's alive." I cried

"Sir, I'm sorry. She's gone." The nurse said

I started crying, falling to my knees and tears started coming down my eyes like a waterfall. Grayson comfort me. I continued crying, and crying, and crying.

I never got to tell her I like her. More than just a friend. I wanted this night to be the night I ask her out, but ends up becoming my nightmare.

I know it's crappy and I'm sorry. I just been very busy and I'm now on spring break! Yay!!! Next Batboy, Jason Todd.

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