Tim Drake x Hero!Reader

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Imagine: You are part of the Young Justice team and Artemis's sister. You and Robin were assigned as Tau Squad. You have a crush on Robin ever since you joined the team and now, it was now time to show him how you feel, or how he feels.


Robin and I were assigned as Tau Squad for this mission to destroy the virus.

Robin throws a birdarang at one of the drones and I shot an arrow at a drone making it blow up. I jumped and doing a back flip and shooting an arrow at the same time. I landed perfectly to the ground and I shot another arrow from the drone behind Robin.

Robin turns around and looks at me. I smirked and slowly putting my bow down.

"Thanks." Robin said, smirking.

"No problem, Boy Wonder." I said, and I took out another arrow and I ran towards another drone.

I jumped up as high as I could go and stuck an explosive arrow on the drone. I jumped down and Robin jumps and catches me, bridal style. We landed to the ground and I smiled.

"Thanks." I thanked him.

"Your welcome, Y/H/N. Just only for me to turn in the favor." He said

I jumped out of his arms and I fixed my bow and took out an arrow. Robin throws two birdarangs at the two drones and I slide to the ground and shot an arrow. The drones blew up and Robin calls me.

"Y/H/N! Plant the device! Now!" He yelled

I nodded and I took the device out of my utility belt and I planted the device and I waited for a second and it got haywire. I looked at Robin and gave him a thumbs up.

"Tau squad here, we took one down." Robin reported, to the coms.

"Good work, Robin. Now go to the next one." Batman reported back.

"We're on it." Robin said, and looks at me. "Let's go."

I nodded and Robin and I got onto his batbike and we started going to the next one. I jumped off his batbike and I shot an arrow at the drone and I smirked and Robin jumped off his batbike and took out of bo staff and hits a drone.

"Y/H/N! Now!"

I knew what he was talking about so, I ran and planted the device. The drones started shutting down and it got haywire. Robin and I smiled at our victory.

"Yes! We did it!" I smiled, wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him and his wraps his arms around my waist.

We paused and we slowly started pulling away from the hug. We looked at each other and I rubbed my forearm and he rubs his neck and looks away for a second.

"Um, I should report." I said

"Yeah, yeah, you should." He sigh, nodding.

Ever since I joined the team 6 months ago, I met Robin at that time and I started having a crush on him. I really do want to confess my feelings to him but I'm scared he might not feel the same about me.

I press my index finger on my com and started contacting them.

"Tau squad has-" I get cut by Robin pressing his lips to mine.

I gasped and I slowly started sinking into the kiss, placing my hands on his shoulders and he places his hands on my hips.

"Tau squad, repeat transmission."

I didn't bother by responding back to him, so mine and Robin's kiss continued.

"Tau squad?"

~~~Time Skip~~~

No One's POV

After all the events that has been happening, Wally eventually died. He didn't make it while helping Flash and Impulse to deactivate the virus. The entire team and Justice League are now mourning over his death, even Artemis.

Artemis eventually became Tigress and Impulse became the next Kid Flash.

Y/H/N and Robin were welcoming Virgil to the team.

"Welcome to the team, Virgil." Y/H/N said

"Call me Static." Virgil said, smiling.

"Cachi. So, what about your pals? I take it they declined their invitation." Robin said

"Well, Arsenal became a lead time solo act, and the others are getting out of the game." Virgil said, crossing his arms.

Robin and Y/H/N were holding hands behind their backs. Superboy saw them holding hands and he turns to Miss Martian.

"Since when are Tim and Y/N a couple?" Superboy asked her

"Since Wally, well you know, it was kind of a life a short thing. It gave Tim the courage to kiss her." Miss Martian said, smiling.

"Well that kind of courage," Superboy smiled.

"Can be hard to combine." Miss Martian said

"Team, report to the mission room." Aqualad announced.

Y/H/N and Robin looked at each other and smiled.

"Ready for a new adventure?" Robin asked her.

"Always." She smiled.

They started walking to the mission room, hand in hand.

I'm so excited for Young Justice season 3! Can't wait to see what new characters are gonna be in it! Next Batboy, Jason Todd.

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