Damian Wayne x Cold!Reader

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Imagine: Its New Years Eve and you are at the New Years Eve party at the Wayne Manor. You are Damian Wayne's best friend. When the clock hit by midnight, Damian surprises you something that will make your New Year special.


It is New Years Eve, and there was party happening at the Wayne Manor.

I was invited to come to the New Years Eve party at the Wayne Manor by my best friend, Damian Wayne. I was just gonna spend my New Years Eve with my family but Damian said he was gonna surprise me with something but I don't know what.

I got out of the taxi wearing my F/C short dress with the same colored heels. I walked to the front door of the Wayne Manor. I walk inside and I looked around the ballroom and I see people in dresses or tuxedos, people holding champagne in their hands, and people talking, laughing, or smiling. Many New Year Eve decorations were up and I was looking around to find Damian but then I heard someone else call my name.


I turn around and I see Dick Grayson walking up to me. He smiled and he hugged me and I hugged him back. We pulled away and smiled.

"Hey, Dick." I said. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well. You?" He asked

"I'm doing pretty good. I'm just looking for Damian." I said

"Oh, your looking for your boyfriend?" Dick teased

I started blushing and I glared at Dick.

"Shut up." I whispered to him and I punched him in the arm.

"Ow." Dick whinned and rubbed his arm where I punched him at. "You punch harder when Jason punched me."

"Well, I think Jason probably had a couple good reasons why he should punch you." I smiled at him and Dick glared at me and smiled.

"And look, you are acting like someone now." He said crossing his arms.


"Damian." He answered.

"Dick, how many times do I have to tell you, Damian and I are just friends. Best friends." I sighed

"Well, it is New Years Eve, Damian invited you, and you know what a boy and a girl do sometimes when it points to midnight." He smiled

"What do you mean?" I said giving him a confused look.

"Well, I know Damian likes you, and I know you like him too." He said

"Dick, I don't like him, I do but just a friend." I said

"Look, I know you do, come on, admit it." He smiled.

"I-" I said and I rubbed the back of my neck.

Well, to be honest, I do sore dove have a little crush on Damian. The reason why I don't tell him because I don't want to ruin our friendship and what if he doesn't feel the same way.

"Okay, please don't say anything, I guess your right, I do like Damian." I admitted it.

"I knew it!" Dick cheered.

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