Dick Grayson x Batgirl!Reader

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Imagine: You and Dick have known each other for 2 years. You became the next Batgirl after when Barbara Gordon was paralyzed. You have became Nightwing's partner and he finds out who are under the mask and you find out about his secret identity.

I was swinging from to building to building going to the Clock Tower. Barbara called me over but she didn't tell me why she needed me.

I walked inside the Clock Tower and walk to where Barbara was at. She was on the wheelchair and she looks at me and smiles.

"There you are Y/N. I was about to call you again." She said

"Sorry, Babs. You know me, I love to kick butt." I laughed

She chuckles and she starts typing on the computer.

"There is a bank robbed happening at Chinatown and same destination of an abduction." She says and she gives me the coordinates

"Alright thanks, Babs." I said and I was about to walk away but she stops me.

"Wait, you will be partnering up with Nightwing on this mission." She says

"Who?" I asked

"Me." A male voice said

I turn around and I see Nightwing, in a red and black suit, and he looks very handsome to be honest.

'Snap out of it, Y/N!' I thought

"Oh, wow. Look at you. Mr. Nightwing, this is a surprise." I smirked

"Yes, it is." He smiles

"Okay, well you guys better get going." Babs said

Me and Nightwing look at each other and we looked at Babs and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry I'll get them." I said, smiling

"Actually you meant 'we' get them." He said to me

"That's what I meant." I smiled

Me and Nightwing walked out of the Clock Tower and went to our mission.

~~Time Skip after the mission~~

After the mission, me and Nightwing took the criminals to jail and I left back to my apartment and I was getting ready to go to bed.

It was a long day. For me being Batgirl could be very stressful but it is a very important job to have. As a vigilante, it is like risking your life to make sure your city is safe. I would do anything by my power to make sure Gotham City is safe.

I put on my pj's and I was about to lay down then I hear my phone ring. I get up from my bed and I get my phone from my nightstand and I look at my notification. It was an unknown number.


Hey its Nightwing. Meet me at the Wayne Enterprises rooftop.

I look at my phone wondering 'how did he get my number?' I responded his text.


I'm on my way

I put my phone back on my nightstand and I got up from my bed and got ready to meet up with Nightwing.

~~Time Skip~~

I was swinging from building to building and then I see Nightwing looking out to the city and I landed on the ground and I put my grappling hook back on my utility belt.

"Whats up, Nightwing?" I said walking towards him

He turns around and looks at me.

"I thought of maybe the both of us could talk alone or a simple chat. Y/N." He said

My eyes widened when he said my name.

"How long have you know?" I said

"Me? Well, not long. But I have been onto you from the start when you took Barbara's place as Batgirl and when you arrive in Gotham." He said walking towards me

"Well, just so know Nightwing, I didn't want to do this I just....needed to clear my head." I said looking down at the ground for a moment.

He put his index finger under my chin and made me look up at him."We all have to take off the mask, sometimes, Batgirl." He said and removed his domino mask, revealing the familiar blue eyes. "To remind ourselves who were people underneath the mask."

"Wow, Dick Grayson." I smirked

He smirked back

"Hey, Y/N." He said

"Hi, Dick. Its been awhile."

"You know 2 years ago, I have been getting some feeling in my stomach. I have crush on you though and I still do." He smiles

"Oh really, and I thought you were totally annoying at that time." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Well, can I show you how much I feel for you." He said coming closer to me.

"What?" I said getting confused.

"This." He said, grabbing my waist pulling me towards him and kisses me.

My eyes widened when he was kissing me. I slowly started sinking into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist. We pulled away and looked at each other, smiling.

"Y/N L/N, would like to be my girlfriend?" He asked

"Yes, Dick Grayson." I smiled kissing him once again.

Well, I finally got my favorite character. I know Nightwing is black and blue but this is his suit in the New 52 world in the DC comics. Next Batboy, or Batboys, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne.

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