Tim Drake x Oracle!Reader

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Imagine: You have been on a wheelchair for a year. You work with Red Robin aka Tim Drake. He is also your lover and tries to help you walk again.

I was sitting on my wheelchair, at the center of my room surrounded by floating computer screens. I began typing on the computer doing my own things.

I sigh and I stopped typing and I looked at my legs. I just can't believe I'm stuck on this wheelchair. It all started when I was on a mission with Red Robin as Y/H/N trying to take down the Joker and his men. When I was fighting Joker's men, Joker got his gun out and pointed it at me and shot it at my waist. I was lucky I survived, thanks to Tim. The Joker escaped that night but was arrested a month after I was shot.

I started crying that I'm scared I won't be able to walk again. I felt two hands on my shoulders and I look up and it was Tim wearing his Red Robin uniform. I guess he just came back from his patrol.

"Hey, Tim." I said

"Are you okay, Y/N?" He said rubbing my shoulders

"Of course I'm not okay, Tim. Look at me, do I look okay to you?" I said starting to feel tears down my cheeks.

He sigh and he took off his domino mask.

"Okay its been a year since you've been sitting on that wheelchair. Maybe its time for you to get out of the wheelchair." He said walking to the closet taking off his utility belt.

"How? Remember, I can't walk anymore." I said

He sigh again and walked in front of me and he crouched down in front of me, holding my hand. He kissed my hand and we intertwined our fingers.

"Y/N. Just because your on the wheelchair, doesn't mean you can't walk anymore. You can. You'll walk again, I promise." He said

I smiled and I kissed him on the lips and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me back and placed his hands on my waist. We pulled away and he stand up from his crouching position.

"Okay, let me change out of my uniform and we'll see if I could help you out of your wheelchair." He smiled and left to change to the other room.

I smiled. Gee, Tim is such a great guy a girl could ever have. I just can't believe I might finally get out of this wheelchair.

~Time Skip~

"Okay, Y/N, your ready?" He said and I nodded "Okay, don't worry, I'm right here."

I smiled and I started getting up from wheelchair, slowly. I was holding very tight on the rail making sure I don't fall.

"That's it Y/N, nice and easy. Put some weight on your legs." Tim said holding me by my arms.

I was standing up just a little bit and I was putting some weight on my legs and I was finally standing up. I smiled when I was finally standing.

"I did it." I said " I did it!"

"Yes you did Y/N!" He said "Now, let's see if you can walk, remember, nice and easy, one step at a time. I'm right here, don't worry."

I sigh and I took one step. I wobble a little bit but Tim caught me. I was holding onto Tim and I was taking one step at a time.

"Good job, Y/N. Now I'm gonna let you go okay. Try to see if you can walk to the closet." He said pointing at the closet which was at the other side of the room.

I breathe in and out started walking very slowly to the closet. I almost fall a couple times and Tim caught me. Then I finally kept walking to the closet and I made it.

"I did it, Tim! A little rusty but at least I could stand." I said looking at Tim, smiling.

Tim smiled at me and he walked up to me and picked me up bridal style and spin me around. He stopped and kissed on my forehead and he placed me on the edge of the bed. He sat next to me and put his arm around my waist and started kissing my neck.

I giggled and Tim stopped kissing my neck and looked at me.

"So, how do you feel now your out of that wheelchair." He said smiling.

"Its feels....great!" I said smiling and looking at my legs and looking back at him."Its feels great. What would I do without you Tim?"

"You probably would never be on that wheelchair." He said frowning a little bit. "But, now I'm glad your happy." He said smiling and holding my hand.

"It wasn't your fault, Tim. It was no ones fault." I said

"But it was. I wasn't there when you were shot. I saw you on the ground and I took back to the Batcave on time. You were lucky, Y/N, you survived. When Alfred told me that your legs were paralyzed, I didn't know what I was thinking. I should have never took you on that mission with me." He said looking down.

I saw a tear come down his eye and I was shocked that the Tim Drake was starting to cry. I grab both his hands and intertwined our fingers.

"Tim. Look at me." I said and he looks at me. "I'm alive. I'm not dead. I'm right here with you and I'm not going anywhere. Thank you, for helping out of the wheelchair."

"Your welcome, Y/N. I'm glad your here with me." He said and kissed me on the lips."I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Tim." I said

I'm glad Tim was here with me. If it weren't for him, where on earth will I be right now. I love him, more than anything else in the world. I can't wait to start walking again. Can't wait to see what happens next on mine and Tim's relationship

Took awhile but it was all worth it. Next Batboy is the one and only Damian Wayne.

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