Damian Wayne x Catgirl!Reader Part 2

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Requested for a part 2
Imagine: A week later after saw Robin, you encounter with him again one night but you and Robin ended up becoming partners or becoming something more.

I was sitting on a gargoyle looking out in the city of Gotham.

About a week later after I encounter with Robin, again, I keep on getting this feeling that maybe I should do something more, become something better. Even after when I kissed Robin, I felt like I could do something better.

I grab my grappling hook out of my utility belt and shot it at a rooftop and I swing myself to another rooftop and I landed and I walked near the ledge of the rooftop. I looked out in the city for minute and I hear someone land behind me which I know who it was.

"If your going to try round 2, Boy Wonder, you could've just asked." I joked, turning around, facing him.

"Look, I don't know what your problem is, Catgirl, but it needs to stop." Robin said, crossing his arms.

"Why? So I could go back to my old life." I huffed

My life was nothing but awful. My parents died in the fire when our house burn down and I was the only one that made out of there alive, but my parents didn't. They died when I was 7, so clearly that is so young for a young girl being out on streets in the most dangerous city that has ever known. Then I met Selina and she raised me and took me in and I began my crime life with her, even though she wished she could do some good.

Robin looked at me with disbelief and he let out a large sigh and responded.

"I'm trying to explained this to you but your just making it more difficult for me to tell you." Robin said

"Tell me what?" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"To tell you that you don't deserve this life." Robin said

I tilted my head to the side knowing I might think its a joke.

"Um...is this the pretty boy Robin I know is still in there?" I said, putting my hand in my chin.

Robin glared and he closed his eyes for a minute and he opens them again and looks at me.

"Okay, let's just make this easy, I want to help you. That's all I want to deal with you, okay?" Robin said

"Ugh!" I groaned, putting my head back and I look back at Robin. "Okay, fine. But, I want to ask you something."

I smirked and I crossed my arms.

"And what would that be?" Robin said

"I want you to be my partner, so we could just hang out more and maybe we could just...be a little more sometime." I smirked, walking towards him.

"I wouldn't be your partner, Catgirl. Never." He snarled at me.

"Awww, come on. Your mentor and mine don't have to know what we're up to. We could keep it a secret. If you like that." I smiled, putting my hand on his cheek.

The thing that made me surprise is that he didn't push my hand away.

I smiled and I trailed my hand up and down his cheek.

"Give me one good reason why we are not allow to be together?" I said, removing my hand from his cheek.

"Really? Let me give you a list. One, your a villain and I'm a hero, two, I don't date villains like you, and three, I don't do things that could make me do something like you should regret." Robin said, taking a step away from me.

"Oh please, who cares what common we have. The only thing that matters is what you want." I purred, taking a step towards him and I was now in front of him again.

Robin looks at me and I smiled at him knowing he wants me. Robin let's out a big sigh.

"Oh heck with it." Robin sigh and he leaned in and he lips connect with mine.

My eyed widened and I smiled and I started sinking into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We pulled away and we smiled.

"What a one good kisser you are, Boy Wonder." I joked, stroking his neck.

"Well, I guess you are right. Commons don't matter, but the heart does." Robin chuckled a bit.

"I'm always right, Robin." I said

"And I guess this is just our beginning, as partners." Robin smiled.

Who knew that relationships could happen to a villain and hero together and to a bird and his cat.

Thank you so much for this request for a part 2. This time next Batboy or Batboys, Tim Drake and Jason Todd.

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