Tim Drake x Nerd!Reader

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Note: B/F/N= Best Friends Name
Imagine: You are a nerd in fact, one of the smartest students in Gotham Academy, after Tim Drake, one smartest and cutest at Gotham Academy. You have a crush on Tim.


I was walking to my locker at Gotham Academy to get my books for my fifth period class. I open my locker and my best friend, B/F/N, comes running to me and squealing.

I smiled and I grab my book and I closed my locker and leaned against the locker.

"Okay, something is going on, is it?" I said, with a smile.

B/F/N squealed again and nodded.

"Yes. Tim is gonna perform today. You know, since he is part of the gymnast team and an athlete. You should go see him." B/F/N smiled.

"As much as I would love to see his performance, but I have homework to do." I sigh.

B/F/N rolled her eyes and grab my books.

"How about this, for once, can you not do your homework and just go support Tim. He probably would love to see you there." B/F/N said

"Oh please. He doesn't even know I exist." I said, grabbing my books from her and we started walking away from my locker.

"Uh, yes he does. One time, he asked for you." B/F/N said

"He asked for me because he was my partner on a science project, which we obviously got an A+." I smiled

"But Y/N, you have a crush on him. I know you do. Besides, you are one of the smartest kids in Gotham Academy, right after Tim." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I kept thinking if I should go support Tim and forget about doing homework, or don't go and just do homework instead. But heck with it.

"Alright. Fine, I'll go." I said, nodding my head.

"Yes!" B/F/N cheered, and hugged me for a second and pulled away. "I'll see you there."

"Okay." I smiled, nodding my head.

B/F/N walked away and I sigh and walked to my next class.

*Time Skip*

I was walking to the bleachers to go sit next to B/F/N. Let me tell you, there were a lot of people here. It was crowded and many people were sitting on the bleachers from top to bottom.

I walked through a couple people and I sat next to B/F/N. She looks at me and smiles.

"Finally you made it." She said

"Well, your lucky I'm here." I smiled and we looked and we see Tim Drake.

I smiled knowing he was gonna go up next.

'Thank goodness I made it.' I thought, with a sigh of relief.

Tim looks at me and smiled, then he waved at me. I waved at him back. I see Tim taking a deep breath and jumps up to the bar and swings himself around the bar. He flips off the bar and lands to the ground.

I smiled and he swings himself around the bar again. He jumps off the bar and lands to the ground, peacefully.

We all clapped for him and I see his parents, with big smiles on their faces and with a sign that says 'proud parents'.

I see Tim smiling at his parents and he looks at me and I gave the thumbs up. He gives me the thumbs up back and he walks to the benches.

*Time Skip*

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