Jason Todd x Kitten!Reader

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Imagine: You love to do science and performing experiments. You are the Batboys younger sister but older than Damian. You and Jason don't really get along much and you decided to perform your experiment but it doesn't go as planned.


I was in the living room of the Wayne Manor, putting my chemicals together.

"Alright, so this is gonna be a nice.....very simple type of experience." I said to myself, as I begin turning the demonstration almost a similar like water. "Perfect."

Suddenly, Mister Jason Todd himself walks into the room and rolls his eyes when he sees me.

"Gesh and I thought Tim was a nerd one in the family." Jason remarked, making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever, Todd." I sighed, putting my experiment in a glass cup setting it down on the table.

"What's that?" Jason asked, looking at the glass cup.

"Ah! This," picking up my experiment, showing it to him. "is my experiment I have been working on for days. I was thinking about giving it a test. Maybe on one of the criminals or something when we go on patrol tonight."

"Wow. You're acting just like me. Except I would have put a bullet in their head." Jason shrugged.

I rolled my eyes as I placed it back on the table.

"Is it poison?" He asked me

"Nah. Just a little tech here and there but it won't kill you. I've done the research."

3rd Person's POV

Jason looks at the cup for a second and without hesitation he picks up the cup real quick as Y/n has her back towards him and takes a small sip of her 'experiment'.

He places it down quickly and Y/n turns back around taking her experiment away from him.

"And if you excuse me, I have some important things I need to do." She tells him

Jason smirked and nods.

"Yeah, you go do that while I, on the other hand, would love to have his cat nap." Jason said as he walks off.

"Whatever, Jason." Y/n said, walking away as well with her experiment.

***Later on that day***

Y/n and Dick were walking down the hallways.

"You know, Jason was asleep for awhile now and dinner is almost ready." Dick told Y/n as they stopped in front of Jason's bedroom door.

"Yeah. Let's check up on him." Y/n said, as she lightly knocks on his door. "Jason?"

No answer...

"Jason, are you up?"

Again, no answer...

Y/n slowly opens the door as her and Dick walk inside his bedroom, only to find something small moving around under his sheets.

Y/n and Dick look at each other confused and Dick slowly grabs the edge of the sheet and quickly pulls it off revealing......... a cat?

A dark cat with a white streak of fur, was purring in his sleep and slowly wakes up when he sees Y/n and Dick looking at him confused.

"Question, why would Jason hav-"

"Why would Jason have a what?" The cat spoke

Y/n and Dick gasped. That voice sounded so familiar and they both knew the voice pretty well.

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