Tim Drake x Reader x Jason Todd

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Imagine: You were dating Jason Todd when he was Robin, but when he was killed by the Joker, a couple months later you were mourning over his death and met the new Robin who is Tim Drake, takes over. Suddenly, when you and Tim got along, you guys started liking each other and started dating. 5 years later, you and now Red Robin encounter the Red Hood.

I was with Jason in the living room of the Wayne Manor, cuddling on the couch. I sigh and responded.

"Jason?" I said

"Yeah?" Jason said

"I love you." I smiled at him, looking up at him and he looks at me back and smiles.

"I love you too, Y/N." Jason said, kissing me on the lips.

I kissed him back and Alfred comes in and me and Jason pull away from the kiss.

"Master Jason, Master Bruce wishes to you in the Batcave." Alfred informed Jason.

"Okay, Alfred. I'll be back, babe. I think it's a mission." Jason said, slowly getting off the couch.

"Oh okay. Be careful." I said

"I will. Trust me, I'll come back. I promise." Jason said, kissing my forehead.

Jason gets up from the couch and he walks out of the living room to the Batcave with Alfred following behind him. I sigh and I get up from the couch and I stretched. I started walking up the stairs to my room.

I open my bedroom door and I walk in my room and I closed the door and locked it. I yawn and I walk to my bed and I flopped myself on the bed, going to sleep, waiting for Jason to come back on his mission.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I woke up out of bed and I walk out of my room to go see if Jason came back from his mission. I walk to the Batcave and I see Dick, Alfred, Barbara, and Bruce but with sad faces and Jason was nowhere around.

"Guys?" I said, and they look at me. "Is everything okay? Where's Jason?"

They all stayed quiet and Bruce walks up to me.

"Y/N, there is something I have to tell you, and its about Jason." Bruce said

'No. No he can't be.' I thought, sadly

"No." I said, and I felt tears come down my face. "No, he can't be dead, Bruce! He just can't."

"I'm sorry, Y/N. The Joker...killed him." Bruce said, frowning and he put a hand on my shoulder.

I started crying and I felt more tears come down my face. I fell to the ground and I covered my face with my hands. Dick walks over to me, and comforts me.

"Its gonna be okay, Y/N. Its gonna be okay." Dick whispered

I wrapped my arms around Dick's neck and I cried on his chest.

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