Jason Todd x Scared!Reader

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Imagine: You are so terrified of spiders and Jason makes fun of you and you both are living together.


I was putting some plates in the cabinet after when I finished washing the dishes. I gonna put one last glass plate in the cabinet but I see that horrifying little eight legged creature on the floor near where I was at.

"Ahh!" I screamed, I jumped on top of the dining table and the spider slowly started crawling where I was at.

"Jason! JASON!" I cried out his name.

"Y/N!" I hear him yell out for me.

"The kitchen! Hurry!" I yelled.

I looked at the spider and it stop that is now near the leg of the table.

"JASON!" I screamed out again.

Jason came running and he looks at me worried for a second and looks at me confused.

"Y/N? What's wrong and why are you on the table?" Jason said, confused.

"Look!" I yelled, pointing at the spider.

Jason looks at the spider for a second and he looks at me for a minute and he started to smile.

"What's wrong with this creature?" Jason said, crossing his arms. "You don't want to keep it?"

"Hell no!?" I screamed.

Jason started to laugh and I glared at him.

"Kill it!" I told him.

Jason looks at me and still kept laughing.

"You're scared of spiders." Jason said, in the middle of his laughs.

"Duh! What do you think?" I said, looking back at the spider.

The spider slowly started crawling up the leg of the table. I screamed and I looked at Jason, who is not doing anything and stop laughing but still smiling.

"Jason!" I screamed at him.

"What?" Jason shrugged. "It is just a spider."

"Just? Just a spider! It is the most disgusting and most horrifying little creature that has ever lived! It has eight or twelve eyes and eight legs! What kind of creature has that many legs and eyes!?" I screamed.

"An alien, sweetheart. Watch movies more often." I heard Jason mumbled and rolling his eyes.

"What the hell did you say JASON PETER TODD!" I yelled at him angrily.

"Huh? I didn't say anything." Jason smirked.

"Okay then! That's what I thought! Kill this damn spider!" I yelled at him.

Jason groaned and he just walked and grab a glass cup and a card. I looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?" I said, slowly moving back from the table.

"Getting rid of your eight legged friend here. What does it look like I'm doing?" Jason said

He flicked the spider off the leg of the table and it lands on the floor. Jason places the glass cup over the spider and slides the card under the spider and the cup. Jason picks it up and looks at me.

"There you go princess. It is safe to come down." Jason teased me.

I glared at him and I jumped off the table. I crossed my arms and Jason examines the spider.

"Thank you, princess charming who is doing nothing but looking at the spider, who tried to kill his own girlfriend!" I yelled at him.

"You know, this spider looks kind of cute." Jason chuckled, looking at me. "Wanna keep it? You could name it-"


"Okay babe. I was kidding." Jason chuckled, and taking the spider out of the kitchen and taking it outside.

I rolled my eyes and I went back into cleaning up the kitchen. Jason came back a minute later and smiles at me.

"What?" I smirked at him, hoping on the counter.

"So, you're scared of spiders?" Jason chuckled.

I glared and I chased him out of the kitchen and he ran and I ran after him.

"Get back here, Todd!" I yelled at him, still chasing him while he was still laughing.

'Does he ever let things go!' I thought, whining.

A simple cute and kind of funny one shot of Jason Todd. Next Batboy, Damian Wayne.

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