Dick Grayson x Kidnapped!Reader

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Imagine: You are Dick Grayson's wife and have a 5 year old son name S/N. You do know about your husband being Nightwing. One night, you and your son get kidnapped by the Clown Prince of Crime, The Joker.

It was cold night in a city of Gotham. I was walking with my son, S/N, coming home from picking him up from his friend's house. I was holding his hand since, its Gotham, anything can happen.

"Mommy? When's daddy coming home?" S/N asked, swinging his arms a bit.

"He'll be coming home soon, S/N. Let's just get home, and wait for your dad, okay?" I told him.

"Okay, mommy." S/N said

We started walking up the stairs to our apartment and we walked through the lobby and we go the elevator, I pressed the button to go our floor and the elevator doors closed and we waited a couple seconds and the doors opens and we walked to our apartment door and I get my keys out of my purse and I unlock the door and we walked inside.

S/N ran to his room and I lock the front door and I stretched and I suddenly heard S/N yelled out my name.


"S/N?!" I yelled and I ran to his bedroom.

I stand by his bedroom door and I see two men holding S/N by his arms.

"S/N!" I yelled.

"Mommy! Look out!" S/N yelled

I looked to the side and I felt someone hit me and I was knocked out and the last thing I heard was S/N yelled out for me.

Nightwing POV

I was swinging from building to building on my way home. I go through the window and I closed the window and I pulled my domino mask off.

"Y/N!" I called out for my beautiful wife but no responded which got me worried.

I walked around the apartment trying to find her but my son, S/N, wasn't around either.

"Y/N, stop playing games with me again, I'm not joking!" I called out for her again and I run to our bedroom but their was no mess.

Y/N's phone is still here and S/N's backpack was not here. Something not right here. My wife and my son are missing.

I ran to the bed and I search everywhere and I ran to S/N bedroom and I look under the bed what I saw was a crowbar and with a note written in blood. I looked at the note and it said:

'Jokes on you Bird Boy! I have your family! Ha! Ha!'

I gritted my teeth and I crumble the note with my hands and gripped the crowbar. Its on Joker!


I started walking up and I notice I was tied to chair and I looked at my body and I was covered in dirt and...blood.

I started panicking about from the blood and I was scared when I couldn't find S/N. I suddenly heard laughing, laughing like a craziest man and a psychopath in Gotham City. The Joker.

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