Damian Wayne x Mimic!Reader Part 2

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Thank you to those of you who wanted this request!

Imagine: Since you and Damian still can't stand each other, you both slowly started developing feelings for each other. With the help of Dick, Jason, and Tim.


I was in the living room, laying on the couch, feeling so tired. I slowly get up and stretching.

Jason started entering and a small grin started appearing on his lips.

"Hey Y/N." Jason greeted, walking to the couch next to me.

"Hey." I said, with no emotion but rolling my eyes and in a bored tone.

"What's wrong? Is Damian not here to comfort you?" Jason smirked.

"Oh my god! No!" I yelled at him.

"Okay, relax." Jason said, putting his hands up in defense. "Also I have something for you in your bedroom."

"You do?" I said, giving him a confuse look.

"Yeah. Come on." He said, getting up from the couch.

I rolled my eyes and I followed him. I walked in my room before he could get in. I looked and I see Damian standing there. We looked at each other and our eyes widened.

"No!" We both yelled at the same time.

We both ran towards the door but the door gets closed shut. Damian and I both started banging on the door.

"Hey!" I yelled out

"Let us out!" Damian yelled out.

"No, I think it's better this way!" I hear Jason yell out.

"Jason! Come on!" I yelled out, in anger.

"Please!" I hear Dick yell. "We are not opening this door until you both learn how to get along!"

"Wait a minute." I thought of something. "You know we could open the door from in here, right?"

"We know." Dick said, which I could tell he must have a grin.

I tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge.

"What?" I said, wriggling the door handle.

"Can't open it?" I suddenly hear a voice that wouldn't thought hearing.

"Tim!" I roared out. "You're in on this?"

"Jason and Dick are right. We're not opening the door until you both could get along." Tim said

"We're not opening the door." I mimicked Tim.

"I heard that!" Tim yelled out.

I turned around and I see Damian, with his arms crossed and with a bored expression.

"Guess we're stuck here for awhile." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You think." Damian snapped.

"You think." I mimicked him.

We started mimicking at each other again. We stop a moment later and just looked at each other. We looked at each other very weirdly. I broke off the silence.

"Can you not!" I yelled at him.

"What?" Damian said, in annoyance.

"Staring at me. It's creepy." I said, crossing my arms.

"It's creepy." Damian mimicked.

"It's creepy." I mimicked back.

We both started mimicking at each other again out of no where, I just walked up to him while grabbing his cheeks and kissed him on the lips.

I heard Damian gasp and my eyes widened at what I did. I pushed him away and I touched my lips.

"Why did I just do that?" I said, in hesitate.

"Yeah, why?" Damian said, in hesitate also.

"Yeah. I kissed you, you didn't push me away, but I pulled away." I said, putting the pieces together.

"Yeah. How about this, let's pretend that this never happened and just go back hating each other." Damian suggested.

I suddenly start to realize that he likes me, and I like him. A smirk started forming my lips.

"Or, we could kiss again and just pretend we hate each other in front of them." I suggested to him, with a smirk.

"Okay." Damian smiled.

I kissed him on the lips and he kissed me back. The kiss slowly became meaningful, and passionate. I placed my hands at the back of his neck and he placed his hands on my hips. We both kept kissing which slowly became a make out session.

We pulled away and I placed my forehead against his. We both were breathing in and out.

"I still hate you, Damian." I said

"I still hate you too, L/N." He smiled.

I smiled back at him and kissed him again.

'Damn, same old Damian, still gets on my nerves, I still hate him, but I love messing with him'. I thought

Sorry if this seemed kinda rushed but here it is, a part 2. Also don't forget to check out my new book 'The Unknown' and my other story 'Teen Titans: Rising'. Thank you all for your support and patience and this request. Next Batboy, Dick Grayson.

Dick Grayson POV

Tim, Jason, and I were standing behind Y/N's bedroom door.  We've been standing here for almost an hour.

"Did they made up or not?" Tim said, in a bored tone.

"Well, by how long they are taking I believe they are probably making out or something." Jason shrugged.

"Maybe. But Damian still doesn't know about the birds and bees." I said

"Um, let's not remind ourselves about that. Let's just be surprised that Demon Spawn finally got a girlfriend." Tim said, leaning his head against the wall.

"Look who's talking." Jason said, looking at Tim. "You still can't even bring the charm like I do."

Tim rolled his eyes and I sighed, waiting for Damian and Y/N but I placed my hand on the knob and untying the ropes around it since Tim's idea was to tie rope around the knob and attach to the wall since we tape it to the wall and pulled it if any of those ever try getting out.

"Okay, let's just check on them since it's too quiet." I said, opening the door.

I opened the door and we see no one in there. We looked and we see the window is open.

"Wow." Jason sigh, at the sight.

"We should've thought about that window." Tim sighed.

"Clever kids. Very, very clever." I smiled.

"I guess our plan worked perfectly." The three of us said at the same time.

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