Tim Drake x Tamaran!Reader Part 2

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Requested for a part 2 @its_nelly0812
Imagine: When you and Red Robin are at the Wayne Enterprises rooftop after you and him met, you and Red Robin are talking about yourself and you learn about his secret identity.

Red Robin and I were flying  around Gotham City. We were laughing and smiling having a good time.

This Red Robin person seems so mysterious. I really want to see his eyes. The way how he is, the way he smile, his looks, and his personality. He is a really sweet guy. I wondered if he is with someone.

We landed to a rooftop and we looked out in this bad place of Gotham.

"So, Red Robin. Can you tell me about yourself?" I said, flying to the edge of the rooftop and sitting down.

"Sure." Red Robin said and walked to where I was at and sit down next to me.

"Well, I'm 18 years old. I am the third Robin of Batman and I was also leader of the Teen Titans." He said

"Really, you were part of the Teen Titans too?" I said scooting a little closer to him.

"Yes, your sister was a member of the Teen Titans but that was a long time ago." He said

"I know that and she came back to Tamaran after she left the Teen Titans of yours." I said

"Actually I wasn't part of the Teen Titans when she was there." He said

"Oh, I'm sorry, Red Robin." I apologized

"No, its okay, T/N. So, tell me something about you." He said brushing his hair back.

"Well, my real name is Y/N. I am an alien from my home planet, Tamaran. I am a young sister to Starfire, Blackfire, and Wildfire. I am a princess from Tamaran." I said

"Well, I could definitely tell you are a princess." He smiled

"Oh um, thank you." I said putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"No problem, Y/N. So, why did you come to earth?" He asked

"Well, I was actually here hiding from my older sister, Blackfire. She maybe my sister but she never showed that she loved me. She wanted me and my sister Starfire as her prisoners. I don't know why my own sister hates me. What exactly did I do to make her hate me." I said and I felt a wet water coming down my cheek.

"What is this coming down my cheek?" I said pointing the water.

"Its tears. Your crying." Red Robin said wiping the 'tear' away with his thumb.

"Oh, I didn't know that." I said

"It's okay, when your here, I'll make sure your sister doesn't come and capture you. I'll protect you." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I got confused on what this is. Why is arm around my shoulders? I felt these 'tears' coming down my face.

"What is this?" I said

"Its comfort. Its like hugging but more like protection." He explained

"Wow. I like how you explained things to me, Red Robin." I said wiping 'tears' away.


"Excuse me?"

"My name is Tim. Tim Drake." He said taking off his mask revealing the most pretty blue eyes in the world.

I never seen eyes like those before. His eyes were very beautiful, if that's what they call it.

"Wow, I never seen eyes like yours before." I said tilting my head to the side.

He chuckled and he put his mask back on his face and he looked at me and he put his finger on chin.

"You know, I never met a pretty girl like you before though. Its gonna sound weird but I think I might have feelings for you, T/N, or should I say Y/N." He smiled

I smiled and kissed him on the lips, again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. We pulled away and I flew up.

"So, what do you think, friend Red Robin? Should we go around the city again?" I smiled flying in the air and putting my hands on my hips.

"Well," He said getting up from his sitting and standing up and crossing his arms. "maybe instead of friend, why not love instead."

I look at him so surprise and I flew in front of him.

"What do you mean by 'love'?" I said

"What I mean is that would you like to be my girlfriend?" He smiled

"Is it like together, like lovers?" I said

"Yes." He said. "What do you say?"

"Tim, I would love to be your girlfriend." I smiled and giving him a simple kiss and pulling away.

"Good. Yes, we should fly around the city more." Red Robin smiled opening his wings and jumped up and flew.

"Come on, T/N. Let's go!" He yelled

I smiled and I flew after him.

I finally found a new person I love, just like my sister, Starfire.

This one was requested to be a part 2 and I did it so thank you for the request for a part 2 on Tim Drake x Tamaran!Reader. This time next Batboy, Damian Wayne.

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