Damian Wayne x Birthday!Reader

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Imagine: Today is Damian's birthday and you want his day to be special. You plan his birthday party and you are his girlfriend.


Today is a very special day for my boyfriend, Damian Wayne. Damian doesn't like having a big party but to me, I want to give him a special birthday he has ever gotten in his life.

While Bruce is taking Damian out to have some 'father and son time', the others and I will decorate the Wayne Manor before they both get back. Alfred already finished making Damian's cake and everything else is now in order.

So me, Alfred, his three brothers Dick, Jason, and Tim, and Barbara are finishing up decorating the living room. It only going to be us, and Selina, Cass, Kate, and Bruce obviously because he is his dad.

I looked around and it looks just the way I pictured it.

"So, what do you think?" Dick asked me, standing next me and looking at the living room that is now with decorations.

"It looks good. Just the way I pictured it." I smiled.

I suddenly flet my smile slowly fading and I tapped my chin.

"For some reason, I feel like it is missing something." I said

"Y/N relax." Barbara said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Everything looks perfect."

"I know Babs. But I still think it needs more-"

"N/N, everything is perfect. Trust me. He'll love it." Dick smiled.

"I hope so." I breathe out and smiled again.

"Guys!" Tim yelled out for us. "Bruce just texted me. He said they'll be here any second now."

"Okay, everyone in position!" I called out and we all got to our positions waiting for Damian to arrive at the door.

Damian Wayne POV

When father and I started walking up the door, father turned at me and looked at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"You know today is your birthday, right?" Father asked me.

"Yeah, so?" I said, shrugging.

"So, today is your special day-" I cut him off.

"Father, for the last time, I don't want a big birthday party. I just want cake and ice cream and that's it. Nothing else. It is just too bad that Y/N can't make it for my birthday. I already miss her." I said, sighing.

A couple days ago when I texted Y/N, I asked her if she will like to come for my birthday but she told me she can't make it.

"It's alright, Damian. Just opened the door please." Father asked me.

I rolled my eyes and I opened the door and it was dark outside but inside was more darker.

"Geez. Why are the lights ou-" I get cut off by the lights suddenly turning on.


I looked and I see everyone was here. Even Y/N. I smiled when I saw her and Grayson walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Happy B-day, Damian." He smiled.

"Woah! You all have been behind this?" I asked.

"Actually, your girlfriend planned the whole thing." Todd said, nodding towards Y/N.

I looked at her and she smiled. Y/N and Pennyworth started walking towards me and he showed me my cake.

"And 1! 2! 3!" Grayson yelled out.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Damian! Happy birthday to you!" They all sanged.

"And many more!" Grayson and Todd yelled out.

I rolled my eyes and I blowed out my candles. They clapped and Y/N puts a hand ony shoulder and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Happy birthday Boy Wonder." She whispered to me.

I smiled and I kissed her forehead.

"Thanks beloved." I whispered.

"Awww, young love is so cute." We looked and we see Grayson with a camera and taking a picture. "This is so going into the scrapbook."

I glared at Grayson and Y/N giggled and Pennyworth started cutting up the cake and started scooping up ice cream.

'She just knows how to impress me.' I thought.


After the party, Damian and I went to the balcony and we looked at the view of Gotham City.

"So, did you like it?" I asked me.

"I loved it. This was the greatest birthday I could ever get." He said, smiling and looking at me.

"Well, I planned it because I love you." I said, holding his hand.

"And I love you too." Damian said, about to kiss me but we were cut off by a flash of light.

We looked and we see Dick with the camera.

"Awww, can't you guys get any cuter." Dick smiled.

I see Damian glaring at him and I giggled.

'Gosh I love being part of this Wayne family.' I thought, happily.

Some parts in here made me smile a couple times. I love you all and thank you for your votes and reads. Next Batboy, Tim Drake.

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