Tim Drake x Nerd!Reader Part 2

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Requested for a part 2 @StarKazu
Thanks for the request!

Imagine: You and Tim are at his house just to hang out. When you guys are talking, you try telling him how you feel.


I was walking to Tim's house just to hang out. Tim texted me and asked if he wanted me to hang out at his place which I obviously accepted.

I walk to his doorstep and I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

The door opened revealing Tim's mother, Janet. She smiled when she saw me and responded.

"Oh hello, Y/N." Janet greeted.

"Hi Janet. Is Tim here?" I asked.

"Yes, he is just at the kitchen." She said, opening the door wider for me to walk in.

I walked inside and I walked towards the kitchen.

I have been at Tim's house before, but just for studying or for our project we work on together.

I peeked my head and I see Tim pulling out a gallon of water from the refrigerator. He looks at me and gives me a half smile.

"Hey, Y/N." Tim said

"Hey Tim. I got your message saying you want to hang out." I said, sitting on one of the kitchen stools and placing my bag on the counter.

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you something." Tim said, nervously.

"What is it?" I asked

'Please ask me out! Please ask me out!' I thought, begging.

"I met up with Batman." Tim said

'Dang it!' I thought

"Really? That's cool." I smiled. "What did you asked him?"

"I asked if I could work with him."

"Uh, Tim? Why would you want to work with Batman."

"I just want to apply for a job. As a new help to him." Tim said. "But he actually rejected me for not working with him. So, I did what I have to do."

I started getting nervous on what he did.

"What did you do, Tim?" I said, slowly getting off the stool.

"I took millions of dollars from the rich and gave it to the poor." Tim shrugged.

"Really? That sounds not bad. But, where did you get the money from? Did you borrow it or something?" I asked him, with a smile and crossed my arms.

"Who said I borrowed money? I kind of actually stole the money from a fortune."

My smile started to fade and I uncrossed my arms and responded.

"What? What fortune?" I asked him, nervously.

"Penguin's fortune." Tim answered.

I gasped a little.

"Why would you do that?!" I yell whispered at him.

"I wanted to prove to Batman that I'm worthy on becoming his sidekick." Tim said, taking the cap of the gallon of water.

"Tim, being Batman's sidekick might be dangerous. Don't you even know that it would be a matter of life and death."

"I know, Y/N. That's why I want do this. I want to help people out there and save lives." Tim said, starting to drink out of the gallon.

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