Jason Todd x Ex!Reader

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Notes: F/T/F is Favorite Type Flower and F/M is favorite movie.
Imagine: You and Jason Todd have broken up a month ago because he cheated on you with another girl. You still have feelings for him but you are trying move on and you've move on with Dick Grayson, Jason's older brother. Will you get back together with Jason Todd or will stay with Dick Grayson?
Jason Todd POV

Its been a month when me and Y/N have broken up. We broke up because I accidentally cheated on her with another girl. I didn't mean to do that to her, I was drunk. I tried calling her and texting her but no luck.

'Damn, I messed up!' I thought

I was walking around the streets of Gotham at night. I was about to go to the bar to try and get my mind off of Y/N, but my mind stopped when I looked inside the café. When I look inside I see her, sitting at one of the booths, drinking some latte, eating a muffin, and with another man. I kept looking at the man very closely and then my eyes widened when she is with my older brother, Dick Grayson.

'She moved on?' I whispered to myself.

I saw Y/N and Dick get up from the booth and she lean in and kissed Dick on the lips.

I couldn't believe it. She move on with my older brother, Dickhead Grayson!

I just stood there for a moment and then I walked away from the café. I put my hoodie on and put my hands in my pockets. I kept walking down the streets and I turn to the corner, walking down an alley. I saw an old lady, sitting down on a bench, looking at me and she smiled at me. I glared at her and I kept walking.

"Heartbreak, young man?" The old lady said

My eyes widened and I turn to look at her and it started snowing.

"What did you say?" I said walking up to her, slowly.

"Heartbreak. I see it looks like you just got out a relationship." She said

I glared at her again.

"Listen, old lady. I don't know who you think you are, but my relationship, is none of your goddamn business." I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, your not in a relationship anymore. You miss your lover?" She asked

"I-uh....oh my god, yes. I miss her so much. I wish I never broke up with her." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Tell me. Why did you and your lover break up?" She said

I just don't know if I should trust her. I don't even know this lady. 'Hell with it.' I thought

"I accidentally cheated on her. J didn't mean it, I was drunk and she left me. Now she move on, with my older brother." I said and my mind just pop about Dick. "No wonder he has been acting strange a week after the break up." I snapped, clenching my hands.

"Relax, young man-"

"Um, I have a name. Its Jason." I said crossing my arms again.

"Oh well, relax Jason, I'm pretty sure there is still a spark between you too." She said in a calm voice

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