Dick Grayson x Outsiders!Reader

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Imagine: You are in the Batcave but as a hologram like Wonder Woman. You, Batman, Nightwing, Robin, Oracle, Wonder Woman, Miss Martian, and Aquaman (Aqualad) are talking Stagg. You are Nightwing's ex girlfriend.


Many things has started happening ever since the invasion with The Reach and The Light is still out there.

Right now, I'm at the Batcave but I'm the hologram since I'm at Star City. I'm having a meeting with Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Robin, Miss Martian, and Oracle about the missions they went on.

"We held onto break, and captured Abracadabra but-" Aquaman said but gets cut off by Batman.

"What Sportsmaster got away with the other prisoner. Still over the last few weeks, we've managed to cripple the branch water chain of metahuman traffickers." Batman told us.

"Branch Water." Wonder Woman told him.

"A so-called film owned by a series of shell companies that trace the Stagg industries and his majority shareholder, Simon Stagg." Batman said, showing us a holographic of Stagg.

"Branch water uses different methods but as easily as bad as bedlam, it's basically a meta Crime covert ops unit the Stagg used for cooperate espionage." Nightwing said, making me cross my arms.

"Or cooperate warfare. Diana, Y/N, we had identified three links in the branch water chain. Acquisition, coercion, and utilization." Oracle told me and Diana.

"Link one, acquisition. Instead of creating new metahumans as bedlam did, Sportsmaster liberated existing menace from prisons and transport. Clayface, Livewire, and Mist had all been taken while enroute to Belle Reve." Aquaman announced, showing us some videos as Sportsmaster took a prisoner.

"Link two, coercion. Instead of badlams control chips, branch water had Mad Hatter inject its newly liberated convicts with nanotech that forced them to follow branch waters commands." Robin announced to us and shrugs. "Okay yeah, they're criminals, but the criminals are being victimized by Stagg."

"Clayface, Livewire, and Mist were all discovered to have Hatter's nanotech in their systems." Oracle told us.

"Which would've been Brick's fate had he also been liberated." Aquaman said, having his arms crossed.

"Finally link three, utilization. Cheshire ran missions for branch water using the controlled Meadows for whatever Stagg wanted or needed." Nightwing announced to us.

"Cheshire working with Sportsmaster? I thought she hated her father." I asked them

"It's unclear if either knew both were employed by the same organization." Miss Martian told me.

"So the end of result?" Wonder Woman asked.

"All for starters, no one's being coerced anymore. I found one of Hatter's control device before his place blew up." Robin told us.

"I used the same device to release Livewire and Mist after Nightwing's group left to Detroit airfield." Batman said, showing us the control device.

"Clayface, Kadabra, Brick, and Moon are now in Belle Rave cells." Nightwing said

"And Mist and Livewire?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They are minors, not harden criminals. We've believe they are salvageable and are seeking another solution for them both." Aquaman told me.

"So what about this Stagg?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Connor and I took care of him. We busted him for receiving stolen property. The reach device Cheshire's group took from Star." Miss Martian told us.

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