Damian Wayne x Mom&Pregnant!Reader

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Imagine: Its Christmas Eve and Damian has not return from his mission with his father, Batman. Your a wife of Damian and your a mother to your 4 year old daughter, D/N and you are 5 months pregnant with a boy, S/N. You get worried and you suddenly get a surprise on Christmas Day.

Its Christmas Eve and my husband, Damian, has not return from his mission. He been gone for 2 months and I miss him so much. I had so much planned for just me, him and D/N.

I was looking out the window of Gotham City and it was snowing. D/N was on the table, drawing pictures. I look her and I walk up to her and looked at her drawings.

"What are you drawing, D/N?" I smiled

"Christmas Eve picture of our whole family." She said holding up her picture revealing her drawing.

"Ohh, who are the people you drew?" I smiled

She looked at the drawing and started pointing at the people in her drawing.

"That's you, uncle Jason, uncle, Tim, uncle Dick, aunt Danica, aunt Cassandra, aunt Barbara, uncle Christopher, aunt Stephanie, grandpa Bruce, and daddy." I smiled at me.

I look at her drawing and it was all of us. Our family. Everyone gets together on Christmas and Damian is the only person I need on Christmas. With our baby boy on the way but only in 4 more months, I want him to be there, just like he was with D/N, when she was born.

I smiled at her and I hugged her.


"Yes, sweetheart?" I smiled at her.

"When is daddy coming home?" She asked

I smile slowly started fading away and I keep on feeling that I was about to cry. I look at her and I sigh.

"To be honest, I have no idea." I said

"Oh, he doesn't want to come see us on Christmas?" She frown

"What? No, no, no. He does want to see us, he just got business to do before he comes home." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh, well this picture I drew with only us, would be his Christmas gift." She smiled, running to her room with the picture in her hand.

I smiled and I looked out of the window and I felt a tear come down my cheek.

"Please. Please come home, Damian." I said to myself.

~Time Skip to the Next Morning~

I woke up the next morning still, he wasn't there. I sigh and I got out of bed.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Get up its Christmas!" D/N yelled coming in my bedroom and jumping on the bed.

I laugh and I got out of bed.

"Okay, okay, let's go open some presents." I cheered

"Yeah!" She yelled

~Another Time Skip~

D/N open her presents, enjoying her toys. I was in the kitchen making some pancakes and bacon.

"That smells good from here mommy!" I hear D/N yelled

I chuckled from her comment.

"Trust, you'll like it when you eat them!" I said, flipping the pancake over.

Unknown POV

I started unlocking the door to Y/N apartment. I open the door, quietly and I saw the Christmas tree, the Christmas lights in her apartment. Christmas spirit she has.

I walked to the I see D/N on the floor playing with her toys and I walked to the kitchen and I see Y/N cooking.

'Yum...she must be making something good.' I thought

"Well, that smells nice, anymore for me?" I responded


I turned around I see him, leaning against the doorframe, holding his backpack from his hands and smiling.

"Damian." I whispered and I covered my mouth trying to hold my tears.

"Daddy!" I hear D/N yell and running towards Damian.

Damian turns around and picks up D/N and smiled.

"Hey, D/N. I missed you." He said

"I missed you too, daddy." She smile hugged Damian.

I smiled and I walked towards them.

Damian puts D/N on the ground and walks towards me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back, but tighter. I kissed him on lips and he kissed me back. We pulled away and our foreheads were touching.

"I missed you." He whispered and he put his hand on the baby bump on my stomach. 

"I missed you too." I cried and I put my hand over his.

"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Wayne." He smiled

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Wayne." I smiled back at him.


I stood there watching my parents, so happy to see each other. I smiled and I looked out in the window.

"Thank you, Santa." I smiled

"D/N!" I heard mommy calling my name.

I ran towards mommy and daddy and we had a family hug.

It was the best Christmas ever!

This one kinda made me cry writing this but I finally made it. Next Batboy for this Christmas special, Dick Grayson.

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