Dick Grayson x Sad!Reader

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Imagine: You are a sister of Jason Todd. After his death, you have been mourning over his death but has been hard. Luckily, Dick Grayson was there to help you.


I was in the training room, going up and down the bar that was hanging side to side. I was pushing myself up and down, trying to get over my brother's death.

Jason and I have been through a lot together. On the streets, starving, cold, lonely. Ever since Batman took us in, we were happy and felt like we were at home. I'm only a year older than Jason, so he was the second Robin and I was the second Batgirl after Barbara Gordon was. When he died, I wasn't myself and I felt like I was the main person that failed him.

I push myself up and I slowly went down. I gripped the bar and I felt sweat coming down my forehead.

'Ew.' I thought

I gritted my teeth and I felt a tear come down my cheek.

"That clown is dead." I growled to myself.

I jumped up the bar and I about to land on the stone box but I fell and flipped back to my feet and landed on the wall.

My back was on the wall and I was hearing Joker's laughter in my head. I grunted and I punched the wall making a little dent. I breathe in and out and I sigh and I walked to the punching bag and started punching.

Suddenly, Dick starts coming in the training room. I punched one last time but harder and I looked at Dick.

"Come on in, Grayson." I sigh and I went back in punching the bag.

"Hey. How are feeling?" He said, walking in.

"Not so great." I said, not looking at him.

"Do you want some company?" He asked.

I stopped punching and I looked at Dick.

"I don't say why not." I said, grabbing a towel and wiping sweat off my forehead to my neck and throwing the towel to the side.

"Look, Y/N you need to relax. You've been here for days and I know losing a brother is hard but sometimes it's better for you to move on." Dick said.

He walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"But it's also better for you not to forget about him. You could miss him and love him, but never forget about him because he is always in your heart." Dick smiles

"I just miss him so much. I don't want to lose him and I did." I said, feeling a tear come down my cheek.

"Hey," Dick said, making me look at him. "it's gonna be okay."

"No it won't." I said, shaking my head.

"Jason is gone and it's all because of me, Dick." I cried.

"Y/N, it's not your fault." Dick said, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "It never was. You're just sad that he is gone. It's part of life, Y/N."

"But he is my brother, Dick. I miss him so much." I cried

"I miss him too." Dick smiled. "But we'll get through this," Dick grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers. "together."

I smiled back at Dick, knowing he is now making me smile.

Ever since I was Batgirl, I was Dick's partner when he was Nightwing and I had a crush on him since then.

"Thanks, Dick. For cheering me up, even though it's really hard for m-"

I get cut off by Dick pressing his lips to mine. I froze for a second and I started sinking into the kiss. We kissed for a moment and then we pulled away from the kiss. We smiled at each other and I pressed my forehead to his.

"I think Jason probably would have wanted you to be happy." Dick said

"Yeah, he would have wanted me to be happy." I said

"Look I know I have known you for only about 3 years or so but Y/N Todd, I think I love you." Dick said

I smiled and I kissed him on the lips again and smile at him.

"I think I love you too, Dick Grayson." I said

Dick smiled and he kissed me on the lips once again, starting a new relationship between he and I.

Jason probably would have wanted me to be happy, and I am, just like what Dick said, he would always be in my heart and never be forgotten.

This is kind of crappy but I hope you enjoyed it. Next Batboy, Jason Todd.

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