Jason Todd x Outlaw!Reader

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Imagine: You are part of the Outlaws along with Red Hood, Red Arrow, and Starfire. You have a crush on your leader, Red Hood. When you and Jason were alone, Jason asks a question you weren't expecting.

I was sitting on the couch with Kori, watching T.V.

"So, Y/N, have you gotten to tell Jason how you truly feel for him?" Kori asked

I looked at Kori, giving her a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Telling him that you like him." Kori smiled at me

I sigh and I rubbed my eyes in frustration.

"No." I sigh, looking back at her green eyes.

I didn't know how Kori found out I like Jason but I only liked Jason only about 2 weeks. I joined the Outlaws about a year ago when I met Jason at Gotham City, taking down a group of thugs.

"Okay, um Kori, first of all, how did you know I like Jason?" I said, sitting criss cross on the couch.

"You always look at him and you sometimes do the flirting with him." Kori smirked at me.

"Um," I said, rubbing my neck. "that doesn't prove anything."

"Yes, it does. You truly do the like him." Kori said, criss crossing on the couch too.

"No." I lied

"Yes." Kori smiled

"No." I said

"Yes." Kori said

I groaned and I covered my face with my hands. I uncovered my face and I look at Kori and smile.

"Okay, will you stop being nosy if I say yes." I said.

"OMG!" Kori squealed. "You do like him."

"Like who?"

We turn around from the couch and we see Roy and Jason walking towards us. They stand behind the couch looking at us.

"No one." I answered.

"Sounds like your lying, Y/N." Roy said, leaning on the couch.

"I'm not." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Y/N." Jason said

I look at Jason with no emotion, trying to keep a straight face.

"Yeah?" I said

"What's up?" Jason said

"Nothing." I answered

"Okay, well, we'll just leave you two alone. Come Roy." Kori said getting up from the couch.

"Where are we going?" Roy smirked at Kori.

"Somewhere we could let those two be alone." Kori said, pulling Roy with her out of the room.

"Okay." I sighed

"What's up, Y/N?" Jason said, pushing his hair back.

"Nothing, Jason." I said, rubbing my neck.

"Well, you have been kind of acting strange for about 2 weeks." Jason said

"Jason, I do want to ask you something." I said, facing him on the couch.

"What? That you have a crush on me and I like you back." Jason smirked.

My eyes widened and I blink a couple times.

"Wha-what?" I said

"You like me. That's okay. I like you too." Jason said

"I...I don't know what to say." I smiled, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I do have something to say. Will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?" Jason smirked.

I froze for second when Jason, the Jason Todd, the second Robin of Batman, and leader of the Outlaws, is asking me, his team member, on a date.

I look at Jason and smiled.

"Yes. I would love to go out with you, Jason." I smiled.

Jason and I smiled and we left the room to go outside, hand in hand.

Sorry if this seems like a rush one shot. I have been doing my other books and I'm doing so many other things and I'm going back to school on Monday which sucks! ;(
Don't worry, it won't stop me from doing this book and my other book. Next Batboy, Dick Grayson.
Starfire POV

I was watching Jason and Y/N talking. I just so happy that Y/N didn't have to do all the talking and Jason finally ask her out. I squealed when the left and went outside holding hands.

"So, since those two are together, what about us, Kori?" Roy smirks.

I rolled my eyes and I look at him.

"Just keep dreaming, Roy. Its never gonna happen." I said, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Awww." I heard Roy whinned.

I smirked and I kissed his cheek. I walk away and to go my room.

'I'm so happy for Y/N.' I said

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