Dick Grayson x Circus!Reader

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Imagine: You are part of a circus act called the Flying L/Ns. When Dick Grayson returns to Haley's Circus, he starts falling for you and meets you for the first time.

Dick Grayson POV

I was so excited to come back to Haley's Circus. It was where I was born to do and when I started, but it was also my dark past because it was where my parents died, but now I'm back and to get a good start as a Flying Grayson once again but with a new act and new group.

I was walking in to the circus and I see many acts I could remember. I smile at them and then I heard someone call me.

"Dick Grayson."

I turn around and I see Haley walking towards me.

"Haley." I smiled, greeting him back.

"Welcome back to Haley's Circus." Haley smiled at me.

"Thank you. I'm glad to be back." I said to him, looking around. "Its been awhile."

"Indeed it has." Haley said. "Oh, that reminds me, we have a new acrobat crew here."

"Oh really." I said, surprised.

I heard at Haley's Circus that they were barely getting new recruits like a new act for the shows. I guess they finally found one.

"Yes, they are called the Flying L/Ns, they are the new acrobats here." Haley said. "But, they need one more person to join in that act."

"Oh, maybe I could join in the new act." I said with a smile, fixing a strand of my bag from my shoulder.

"Oh, that would wonderful, Dick. Thank you, that would really help a lot, and to have our famous and best acrobat in Gotham back here." Haley said

"You welcome. Its what I do." I said

"Well, they are just practicing their act for the show tomorrow night." Haley said, looking up.

"Where are they?" I said, looking at him.

"Up there." Haley said, pointing up at them.

I look up and I see a beautiful H/C girl swinging from the bar, with a black leotard, with F/C ribbons round her ankles and with a F/C choker and with rhinestones on her sleeves making a line from her wrist to shoulder.

She swing from bar and swing towards us. She went upside down and kept swinging towards us and she looks at me with her beautiful E/C. She smiled and swing backwards. I was amazed from her acrobat and her beauty.

"Who was that?" I said, never looking away from her.

"That girl is Y/N L/N. She is part of the Flying L/Ns act along with her two other siblings." Haley said

"Wow." I said, amazed.

I saw her slowly swinging herself to the ground, gently and she jumped off the bar and hands the bar to the man with the same leotard as her which I'm guessing is her brother, walking away with the bar on his hands.

"You could meet them if you want to." Haley said, looking at me.

"Oh." I said, looking at Haley. "Okay. Thank you."

I started walking towards Y/N and she looks at me and smiled.

"Hello." I said, a little nervously.

"Hi." Y/N said, smiling.

"I saw you act. Your really good." I said to her.

"Thank you." She said. "I tried."

"So, I've heard your part of the new act called the Flying L/Ns." I said

"Yes, I am. Me and my brother and sister." She said, fixing her sleeves. "And you must be Dick Grayson, the famous acrobat in the Flying Grayson's."

"Yes. I am." I said, smiling. "But I'm also part of your acrobat performance."

"Oh, that's cool." She said, nodding. "I wonder if you and your act could always impress me still."

"Well, I don't have an act anymore though." I said, shaking my head.

"Oh, well, how about a talent?" I said, fixing her choker from neck which kind of made me blush a bit.

"I don't have a talent either. Just acrobat is all I got to impress you." I said

Y/N smiled and she put her hand to mine and responded.

"Everybody's got an act, and a talent." She smiled.

I smiled back at her and she releases her hand from mine and responded.

"Well, I should go. I do have to get ready for my, or I mean our practice later." She said

"Oh, okay." I said

"Well, I guess I'll see you later, Mr. Grayson." Y/N said, with a smile and started walking away.

"You too, Ms. L/N." I said, smiling at her.

I watched Y/N walk away going to her dressing room, I think. I sigh and I started walking to my own dressing room to get ready today's practice.

It just kind of pop into my head and make a circus one shot on Dick Grayson since he was from the circus. Next Batboy, Damian Wayne.

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