Dick Grayson x Gala!Reader

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Imagine: It is New Years Eve and a New Years Eve Gala happening at the Wayne Manor. You were invited by your boyfriend, Dick Grayson and you two have been dating for 3 years. When Dick's adoptive daughter, Danica is at the gala, she suddenly starts a little argument with you but, good thing Tim is there. Before the clock hits at midnight, he gives a surprise that you made your New Year special


I was coming out of the taxi, wearing a long F/C dress with the same colored high heels and with some jewelry

I started walking to the front door of the Wayne Manor. When I walked inside, I see many people wearing dresses or tuxedos, drinking champagne, talking and laughing, having a good time. I sigh and I see Tim and Danica at the balcony smiling and laughing, drinking champagne.

I've known Tim for awhile and when it came to Danica, it was kind of a rough start. She didn't like me but I just don't know why. Just because I'm dating her own dad? When I found out her and Tim were dating, I was so supportive and happy but she wasn't happy for me. I just really hope me and Danica would get along someday.

I sigh and I heard someone call my name.


I turned around and I see Dick Grayson walking towards, and smiling. I smiled back and I walked up to him.

"Hello, Richard." I smiled

"Hello, babe." He smiled and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"How are you?" I asked

"Great, when you finally got here it made it even better." He said

"Oh my god, Richard." I chuckled

"Come on, Y/N, you know you love me." He said putting his forehead against mine.

"Hm, let me think, um yes, yes I do." I said and I kissed him on the lips and he kissed back.


We pulled away and I see Danica and Tim walking towards us and Dick look at her and smiled.

"Hey, Danica. What's up? Having a good time?" Dick said keeping it smooth.

"Don't 'hey, what's up Danica' me you Dickhead!" Danica growled.

"Danica, calm down. What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" Dick said

I look at Tim and he stayed silent. He looked at me and mouthed 'I'm sorry'. I mouthed at him back 'its okay'.

"This night was going just well until this little witch came!" Danica growled pointing at me.

"Danica, you need to stop it. You have been doing this for 3 years already, can you just give it a rest and get along with Y/N." Dick said trying to the conversation smooth

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