Tim Drake x Outsiders!Reader

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Imagine: You are part of Robin's little squad along with Spoiler, Arrowette, and Orphan. You are on a mission with them and have feelings for Tim.


I'm at the top of the building with my teammates which are Robin, Orphan, Arrowette, and Spoiler. Not that long ago, we left the team and went our own ways since Batman quit the Justice League including Green Arrow.

We're at the building watching Jervis Tetch aka the Mad Hatter.

"That's Tetch?" Spoiler asked. "Or Mad Hatter? He's kind of...hatless."

"No hats. It's a condition to his parole." Robin answered her.

"Well, that's something coming from a man of hats." I joked.

I was part of the team Miss Martian now leads since Aqualad is now Aquaman and leads the heroes on Earth. But when Batman quit the Justice League along with Green Arrow, me, Robin, Spoiler, and Arrowette left along with them. I joined the team 4 years ago as Y/H/N. I did a couple designs of my costume 2 years ago. I made many good friends. Thirteen, Impulse who is now Kid Flash, and Wondergirl. I miss them so much and I wish I could explain to them what is going on and what happened.

"Hmm. Good thing he's not called the Mad Panther." Arrowette joked also, making me chuckle a bit.

"He's heading to his night job, right on schedule." Spoiler told us, making all of us keep a close eye on Tetch. "Although-"

"The water?" Robin asked her.

"Yeah." Spoiler nodded.

"Hot water?" Arrowette said, confusing.

"He's drinking a lot of it, and awfully fast." Robin said

We see Tetch drinking a whole bottle of water less than a second and tossed the water over his head, making him walk down the alley.

We all jumped down where the bottle is and Robin picks the bottle up.

"So, do we bust him for littering?" Arrowette asked him.

"Hm, clay backwash." Robin told us.

"Oh gross." I said in disgusted. "So your thinking..."

"Yeah, it's possible anyway. We need to find a way to check." Robin told us, about to jump up to the building but I stopped everyone.

"Wait, where's Orphan?" I asked them, making them turn around with Orphan not with us.

We know exactly where she went.

"Oh great." Robin cursed, jumping up to the building.

The rest of us followed after him and went to the alley Mad Hatter or should I say, Clayface, went to. Orphan slice 'Jervis Tetch' in half, showing him slowly becoming Clayface. The rest of us jumped down from the building behind Orphan.

"Did you know Tetch was really Clayface?" Arrowette asked Orphan.

"I just not care." Orphan told her.

"You're gonna regret that, kid." Clayface roared, stretching his arms towards us, grabbing Arrowette and I.

Orphan sliced his arms making him release Arrowette and I. Arrowette shoot an explosive arrow at Clayface. Clayface turned around and Robin jumped down in front of him. Clayface tried to hit Robin but Robin dodges his punches. I threw a grenade at Clayface making him roar at me.

"You are gonna get it little girl!" Clayface said, punched me.

I fell to the ground and I groan from the pain when he hit my sides. Clayface clenched both of his fist and ready to slam his fist down, but I didn't feel a thing since I got pushed to the side and covered. I looked up at who saved me and it was Robin.

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