Damian Wayne x Joker's daughter!Reader

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Imagine: You are the Joker's daughter and you are crazy and laugh just like the Joker. One night, you and the Joker were robbing the back and you and the Joker suddenly run into Batman and his sidekick, Robin.


My father aka The Joker and I were at an old warehouse. We were thinking of a plan to rob a bank that's somewhere in Gotham.

"So, daddy? How are we gonna get the money?" I asked, smiling and spinning around in the spinning chair.

"Oh, don't you worry my dear, daddy gonna think of a perfect way to get the money." My papa smiled at me.

"Awww, but papa, what about Batsy Batsy and his little pretty bird?" I asked, frowning. "They might take us to jail or even worse, take us back to Arkham Asylum and I'm never going back there!"

"Relax, Y/N, its not gonna happen again. Trust me, I have an idea." My papa said, still with that creepy smile on his face, which I love!

I smiled back at my papa and my papa walks to the corner and picks up a crowbar. I cheered and I clapped my hands.

"Oh goodie. Are we gonna use that to kill the bird boy?" I said, smiling.

"Oh no, my dear. I was planning to do that, but another change of plans." Papa smiled

I tilt my head wondering what he is thinking.

"What do you mean, papa?" I asked him

"What I mean is that instead of killing them, we could both drive them crazy and have them come to us, but if that plan is down, we could kidnap the Bird Boy." Papa smiled, looking at me.

Then I realized something when I was looking at the crowbar.

"Wait a minute, is that the same crowbar that killed the second handsome Boy Blunder?" I asked him.

My daddy smiled at me.

"Why, of course it is, my dear. That is why I have this crowbar out for plan B." Papa said

I smiled and I started laughing like a maniac and my papa started laughing too along with me. Our laughs started echoing throughout the warehouse.

'Wow! Aren't we good Jokesters!' I thought, chuckling.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

The Joker and I were in the back of a white van while my papa's goons was driving.

It was now finally nighttime and now it is time for some fun!

The van stopped and my papa and I started putting on our jackets with hoodies and we slowly started walking inside the bank. I smiled and I held on my bat since it is on my back.

"Show time, my dear." Papa smiled, looking at me.

"Okay, papa." I smiled back

My daddy pulled out a gun from his jacket and he shot the first bullet to the ceiling. Everyone started panicking and some ran out of the building and some stayed inside. My papa and I took off our jackets and we started laughing.

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