Damian Wayne x Talon!Reader

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Imagine: You are part of an organization called Court Of Owls. You are known as the new Talon and the most deadliest one out of any other Talon. Your mission was to find Robin and send to the Court of Owls. You get into a fight with him and trying to convince him be part of the Court.


I was in the courtroom, wearing my Talon armor and in my owl mask and with all Court of Owls' members in the room.

"Talon." The grandmaster greeted me.

"Master." I greeted back

"I'm happy you are here. I have a mission for you." He said, standing up from his chair.

"Anything." I said, smirking under my mask.

"I need you to find Robin, the sidekick of Batman and known as the Boy Wonder, and send him here to us." Grandmaster said, in a dark tone.

"I'm on it." I said, walking out of the room.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I was at the rooftop, watching Batman and his pathetic sidekick, Robin. Batman and Robin were fighting the thugs while I stayed at the rooftop, watching them waiting for the perfect opportunity to kidnap Robin.

Robin POV

I kicked the last of the thugs and I keep on getting this weird feeling in my stomach that we are being watched.

"Batman?" I called him.

Batman looks at me before handcuffing the last of the thugs.

"I think we are being watched." I said, slowly looking around.

"You are not the only one that thinks that." Batman said, looking around. "Whoever you are, come out and show yourself!"

Suddenly, we heard someone landing down to the ground, from the rooftops and the person slowly comes out of the shadows, revealing...a Talon.

"Who are you?" I commanded this person.

"Don't you know who I am?" She said, putting her hand near her face and comes out into a knife from her wrist.

"My name is Talon." She introduced.

Talon suddenly charges at Batman and he charges at her as well. She swings knife at Batman which he obviously dodge and grabbed her wrist, flipping her to the ground but she kicked his chest, making him stumble back.

I took out my sword and I started making my way towards the attack. Talon kicks Batman in the face making him hit the wall, groaning from the hit. Talon slowly walks up to Batman and turns him towards her and she stabs him with her knife.

"No!" I yelled, running towards her faster, while she takes her knife out from him and he yells from the pain.

Talon looks at me and I swing my sword at her but she blocks it with her knife.

"Robin, the Boy Wonder. Sad to say this but you are coming with me." She said, in a deadly tone.

"Not a chance, Owl Brat!" I yelled at her, pushing her back.

She flipped off from the ground and gives me a cut on my side, making me hiss from the pain.

"You are strong, hot temper, and a very impressive vigilante. The Court would love to have you part of the Court of Owls." She said, taking out another knife from her other wrist.

"I'll never be part of you, monsters!" I yelled, swinging my sword at her once again.

She dodges it and swings her knives at me. I tried to kick but she dodge it and swifts her feet at me from the ground. She jumps and wraps her leg around my neck and pulls me to the ground. I landed on my back and she stands above me.

"You should join us, Robin." She said, crouching down at me. "You are just like me. You deserve to be with us. There are many amazing things about you that we should discover together. Join us."

"Never." I growled at her.

"I don't see you have option." She said, taking off her mask, revealing my ex crush.

"Y/N?" I said

"Hello Damian. It's nice to see you too." She smiled at me.

I used to have a crush on Y/N since we were at Gotham Academy together but when she was dating someone else, it broke my heart and I decided to move on. She was dating some guy name Miguel.

"Nice to see you too. How's Miguel doing?" I asked, sarcastically.

"He's doing good. In hell." She smirked.

My eyes widened thinking she killed her own boyfriend.

"Why did you kill him?" I asked, glaring at her.

"No reason, just wanted to have my own life and to be a perfect assassin to the Court. Face it, Damian, you are in an assassin yourself. There still is some assassin in your blood." She said, in a dark tone.

"Well, you lead no choice on hurting you." I said, trying to take out my birdarang.

Y/N grabs me by the collar of my uniform and pulls me towards her and presses her lips against mine. My eyes widened and she pulls away from my lips.

"Sorry my love." She smiles, taking out a dart but she gets hit at the back of her head, following to the side.

I looked at her and she was knocked out. I looked up at who hit her and it was Batman.

"We're gonna have to talk." He said

"I know. It's always a talk after a patrol." I said, rolling my eyes.

We looked at Y/N and I kept thinking to myself on why she was doing this but sometimes, it's good reasons, but sometimes it's not.

I know this one was kind of crappy but I gave it my shot since I haven't been updating from this book. Next Batboy, Jason Todd.

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