🖤9th part🖤

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Sadly we couldn't talk longer, since all the lights turned off and people were panicking. Then someone called her and they left. Y/N. . . What a beautiful name. . . "Martinus! Let's leave before we get on trouble!" Marcus took me by arm and after getting out of there we got into the car. "What happened?" I asked. "Seems like the police came and started arresting some people. By the way, where were you? Why weren't you with me?" Marcus said worried. "I was dancing with you, but then you disappeared and I started looking for you. And with that happening, I bumped into a girl." I said and surprisingly a smile appeared on my face. "A girl? Was she nice?" He said while smirking at me. "She was so beautiful." I said smiling while thinking of her and Marcus smiled at me. "Seems like she got into your heart." "It's not true. I know her just for some minutes and probably I won't see her ever again." I said and then we stayed in silence. We arrived home and got out of the car. "If you want to see her again, find her and don't give up. You won't be disappointed." Marcus said after getting inside. Everyone had fallen asleep already, so without making any sound we went upstairs. "Good night, Martinus." "Good night." And with that being said each of us got into our room. I took my clothes off except boxers and went to bathroom to wash my face. I looked myself into the mirror. . . <<< She wrapped her arms around my body and left a kiss on my neck. "I want nobody else except you." She said and I smiled. >>> WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!

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