🖤51th part🖤

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Now the worrying in his eyes was replaced with hate. . . "Because of you he nearly died." He said mad while looking deep into my eyes. "Marcus, please don't act like this. We still don't know everything." I said. "Isn't obvious? He's in those conditions because of you!" "Stop!" I said and him and Taylor flinched. "I am the reason why all those happened. But you are forgetting something. That day both of us have died, me and Martinus. Both of us keep living and being scared of our past that keeps haunting us." I said and he looked away. "I think there's a reason why they survived, Marcus. After these years they found each other again. Isn't that a sign?" Taylor said and carefully placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her hand and then at me, and I noticed a tear rolling down his cheek. "I'm sorry, Y/N. . . It's been hard for me to watch my brother suffer for all these years. He always used to tell me how empty he was feeling, like a part of him is missing. . . That part is you, Y/N." He said and smiled at me. I stood up and went to hug him. I was happy to know that he supports us. Today we all would find out a big part of the truth. . . "We have only an hour left and Martinus will be here." Marcus said and I nodded while smiling. "I better go and catch my class. Bye, Y/N!" He said and hugged me. "Bye, Taylor." He said and kissed her hand, making her face turn all red. As he left, I turned at her with my jaw dropping. "You saw what I saw or it was just a dream?" She said still looking at her hand. "Your Romeo has fallen under your spell." I said and hitted her on the arm. She couldn't stop smiling from happiness. If it wasn't for my troubles, it would be more romantic for those two. Sadly we have to catch our lesson too, but the good part is that we have this class together. We sat together and the lesson started. "So, Ashton and Y/N had a fight today." "Yeah, I mean that's what couples do." I turned to watch and saw Stina and Jenna sitting behind us. "Just to make it clear that I have a boyfriend and definitely it's not Ashton!" I told them in a quiet tone so the teacher can't hear and they looked at me with wide opened eyes. I don't care that I just told them that I am in a relationship, because somehow they need to stop. Sooner or later people will learn that Martinus and I love each other. . . even my mum. I really don't know how she will handle it, but I won't let her tell me that I must leave him. I can even move out of the house and live with Martinus. . . Damn. . . The thought of me and him living together makes me have butterflies in my stomach. Maybe one day we will get married and create a family. . . "Miss Y/N, I would appreciate if you started writing as all of your friends here." The teacher said and I heard some students laughing. I would love to fight with this old fossil and destroy his nerves, but I decided to obey him. I have enough problems and I don't need to bring more. "I really expected you to explode as a bomb." Taylor whispered to me. "I don't want to get in trouble." "Weren't you the sin girl?" Taylor said and giggled. "Only for Martinus." I whispered and she smirked at me. We stopped talking otherwise we would get kicked out of the class. . . The hour passed and together with Taylor stormed out of the building. Marcus waved at us and we went up at him. "Hi, girls! I just talked with Martinus and he told me that he'll be here in some minutes. I really can't wait to see him. Just not seeing him for some minutes makes me go crazy. And that's pretty normal. I hadn't seen or heard of him for two years. . .

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