🖤57th part🖤

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The night was cold and windy. I wasn't that far away from my house and for my luck it wasn't that dark. My neighbourhood isn't something special. People here are very quiet and boring. I have never seen any of my neighbours having fun with their families or even have a normal talk. Lately I have realised how grey my world is. Martinus's world is completely different. His world is colourful and filled with love. Even the atmosphere in his house is different. I hope that one day, when we create a family I will be able to understand the feeling of being loved and wanted. It's never late to change and try new things. I had finally arrived in front of my house and a feeling of fright streamed through my body. I didn't like my mum, but I also didn't like getting yelled at. I really didn't want to get inside. . . My mum for sure would kill me in the second that I stepped inside. But also I can't sleep outside. At least not in this weather. I guess I gotta grow some balls and face with my problems. Slolwy I took my keys and carefully opened the door and got inside. I looked around, not seeing my mum, and went to the kitchen to drink some water. Maybe she got tired of waiting and went to sleep? "Finally you got reminded that you have a house." I heard her voice from behind and I gulped. "Where the heck have you been?" This time her voice was louder, so I turned to face her. "I was out with some friends." I said without showing any emotions. The best way to not be suspicious it's like this. "And what were you doing all this time?" Making love with my boyfriend. . . "We went to a cafeteria and spend the time there." I said and she raised her eyebrow at me. "You smell like men's perfume." "Because I was with two girls and boys." I said and hoped that she doesn't ask anything about my "friends". "You could have called me at least and say that you would be late." "I didn't know that it would take long." "Well, you left me alone to wait with Donny and his mum." She said and I looked at her surprised. "And what were they doing here?" "They wanted to talk with you about something, which I don't really know because they wouldn't tell me." She said and I sighed. "They have started to get on my nerves lately. I can understand that you don't want to talk to him, but as soon as you do it they might stop annoying us." She was right, but it could also happen the opposite. I had no idea what Donny could want from me anymore. "Anyways, if you want something to eat, check the fridge. I'll go and sleep." She said and left. Lately I have started to think that aliens have taken my real mum and replace her with a copy of her. I really expected her to yell at me until I start crying, but she was kind of understandable. Am I missing out something? My thoughts got interrupted by the sound of my stomach. I didn't realise that I was starving. I went to the fridge and found some pizza. This can work. I put it in the microwave and went to get something to drink. I took the pizza and started eating. It was cute when mum said that I smell like men's perfume, since Martinus is the only man that I was with all the time. I already miss him. . . I took my phone and decided to text him. *Are you still awake?* I took a sip of the orange juice and my phone buzzed. *Laying on the bed and thinking about you.* he texted and I smiled. *I already miss you so much.* *Same, babe. All my room is filled with your smell.* *And I'm filled with your smell. Even my mum sensed that.* *Well, she should know that a man is dying over her daughter.* he texted and I giggled. *Donny had came today in my house.* *And what the hell did he want?* *No idea. Not even my mum is informed about this.* *Or she's planning to marry you with him. WHICH WON'T HAPPEN EVEN IF I DIE!* he said and I couldn't stop smiling of how cute he is.

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