🖤54th part🖤

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Right now we're in the car and I have placed my head on Martinus's shoulder. His fingers are placed on my hair, playing with them. Marcus and Taylor are talking about something, but I don't seem to be concentrated on that. My mind is all the time at what doctor said. We were in such a dangerous situation and nobody knew what could happen next. What if they try and hurt Martinus again? Only the thought of this sends shivers on my body. I can't lose him. . . Not after I just found him. "Babe, what are you thinking about?" Martinus said in a soft tone and I looked deep into his beautiful eyes. I don't know how scary it would be to not see those eyes ever again. "Babe? Are you okay?" He said again and cuddled my cheek with his thumb. "As long as I'm with you, I'm completely fine." I said smiling and placed my hand through his hair. <<<Playing with his dirty blonde hair was something I would do every time we got to spend time together. "Can you stop doing that? My hair won't look good tonight when we go on the date." Martinus said and stood up, leaving me alone in bed. "Your hair always look good. Now please get back on the bed." I said and looked at him with puppy eyes. "So you can continue and play with my hair?" He said and raised his eyebrow. "Why do you have to be like this? We have a lot of time until the date." I said annoyed as fuck. Sometimes Martinus is worse than me when it comes to getting prepared. "Until then my hair will look oily as fuck, baby girl." Martinus said and rolled his eyes. I better start teasing him now. . . I stood up and went to him, placing both of my hands on his chest. "Babe, you're so stressed out lately." I said and started making circles with my finger. "Y/N, what are you trying to do?" He said and took a deep breath as my hand went under his shirt and touched his abs up and down. He likes that. . . I took off his shirt and sat on my knees. I started kissing his abs and licking them. . . "Y/N. . ." He said and I kept on doing that while my hands were travelling through his pants. "Babe, you should stop. . ." He breathed out and I saw his dick poking through pants. "Daddy seems to be horny. . ." I said and bited my lip as I touched it and Martinus moaned. "Let me help you, babe." I said in a low tone and started unzipping his pants. In some seconds his pants and boxers were laying on the floor and he was staying completely naked in front of me. How can he be so sexy? I took his dick and for teasing Martinus I was just licking it. . . "Babe, put it on your mouth already. . ." He moaned, but I kept on doing the same. "Fuck it. . ." He said and smashed his dick on my mouth so I started sucking. . . I kept on going faster and his moans were becoming louder second by second. . . Damn, the neighbours might hear us, but I really don't care. . . After a while he finally cummed and I swallowed it all. . . I looked up and saw his hair being wet from the sweat. I stood up and pushed him on the bed and came on top of him. "Tini, your hair are a total mess. You better get a shower now so we can go on a date." I said and he started unzipping my pants. "Fuck the date, I need you now." He said in a sexy way that I couldn't resist him. . . "As you wish, babe." I said and started taking my shirt off. . .>>> My face has turned all red and Taylor was looking confused at me. "Great, those weirdos seem to be thinking about the same thing." She said and Marcus giggled. I didn't get what they meant with that until I looked at Martinus, whose face was also red. "Babe. . . You also got that vision?" I said awkwardly and slowly he nodded. Slowly his face came down to mine and my heart started beating fast. "I think that we have a problem. . ." He said and I gulped.//yeah yeah I get it, I am so dirty minded, but you all like that🙄

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