It had become dark outside by the time we finished working on the beat. "We will continue tomorrow, okay? Now you can go home and rest." Marsel said and patted my back. I can officially say that I don't know my manager anymore. Anyways I stood up, took my coat and went out of the cabin. Mum was on the couch reading a magazine and as I can see she didn't notice me yet. "Mum, we can go now." I said and she put the magazine down. She stood up and we got out of the studio. We spent the road in silence and I was playing with the matching ring I have with Martinus. I wish I could be in his arms now while he plays with my hair. . . "Where did you learn to compose songs?" Mum said out of sudden and I turned to look at her. "Nowhere, I just wrote some things that came up into my mind." I answered and look at her face expressions through the car's mirror. She's planning something inside her evil mind. . . I just hope it's not planned for me. . . "Impressive. Imagine what songs you would do if you went through a breakup." "Imagine what a great mother you would be if you went to therapy." I said and in that moment she stopped the car and I was about to fly in the front and hit the glass. "WHAT THE HELL MUM!" I yelled and started breathing fast. "You little slut think that you can talk shit about me in front of my face?" She turned at me and took me by the hair. "Mum, let me go!" I said in pain. If she keeps pulling my hair she will take them out of my head! "You must do whatever I say otherwise I'll make you curse the day you were born!" She yelled and kept on pulling my hair. That's it! I punched her on the face and got out of the car as fast as I could. I started running without knowing where the fuck I am going. She's going to kill me. . . She's officially going to kill me. . . I stopped behind a wall trying to catch my breath. I took my time to look around and saw that I'm near Martinus's job. What the hell should I do?! If I spend the night at Taylor she will find me, if I go to Martinus. . . In fact she doesn't know where he lives or anything. Out of nowhere I started running again on my way to the cafeteria. I stormed inside like a psychopath and everyone was looking at me traumatised. Who wouldn't? My hair are a total mess, my mascara has got ruined and tears are still falling from my eyes. "Wow, wow! What's happening here?" A man showed up in front of me and I didn't even know what to say. . . All of sudden I'm pulled inside some strong arms and a warm feeling spread through my body. Martinus. . . "I'll take care of her, sir." Martinus said and sent me in another part of the cafeteria. "Omg, babe! What happened?! Are you hurted?! Who did this to you?!" He said worried as fuck while checking me. I took both of his hands, stopping him from what he was doing and looked deep into his eyes before hugging him. Damn, I missed him. . . He hugged me tight and time after time placed some kisses on my head. "Y/N, who dared to do this to you, babe? I swear I'm going to kill them." He said and I broke the hug, looking sad at him. "My mum got out of the control. . . I don't want to imagine what would had happened if I didn't get out of the car. . ." I said and broke in tears. "This is enough! She's trying to kill you! Who the fuck does she think she is?! Y/N, you can't stay quiet about this! You should report her to the police!" "I can't! She will get out anyway. . . Just for tonight I must stay away from her." "You must be kidding me! Tonight you can't go home and tomorrow you will go and stay like nothing happened? You can't be serious about this!" "There's nothing else I can do. . ." "In fact yes. And I'm going to save you tonight." He said and I looked at him unsure. "Babe, nothing will happen to us. Trust me." Martinus said and held my hands near his heart. "I trust you with my life, Martinus. . ." I said and we smiled at each other. In the following hour Martinus took care of me and worked, but always made sure that I wasn't left alone. I'm really scared of what he will do, but I trust him. He would never do something that can hurt me. He's an angel that was sent to protect me.

🖤𝕷𝖆 𝖉𝖎 𝖉𝖎𝖊🖤
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] In this story you will get to know Y/N Y/L/N, a famous singer whose faith will be connected to a normal boy named Martinus Gunnarsen. Even though their worlds are totally different, there's a secret hidden from everyone; even from those...