I don't remember for how long I've been staring at this person, but I can't take my eyes off, and it seems like he has the same problem. I shook my head to clear up my mind and raised my eyebrow at him. "Do I really need to explain you why I need all this ice cream? Mind your business." I said and he chuckled. Ok,he is pretty handsome . He has dirty blonde hair and adorable brown eyes, and pretty long eyelashes. His lips are in a perfect shade of pink and he has a birthmark on his upper lip, which is quite cute if you ask me! And there's no need to comment on his outfit, because he looks good as hell! "I didn't mean to offend you or something." He said and came up to me, making my heart speed to increase. Excuse me? This has never happened before! Especially with a boy! Even though I was acting weird, I couldn't let myself to not show him what he deserves. "You didn't need to talk to me at all. What's the reason that you did that?" I said sassy while having my hands placed on my hips. "I'm sorry, we had such a bad start. I'm Martinus." He said and gave me his hand. I just looked at it for once and then back at his face. "Not interested." I said and smirked at him. As I turned to leave my feet slipped and I was about to fall, but Martinus caught me in the right time and saved me. We both were looking into each other's eyes and he was smiling at me. "You should be more careful." He said and I blushed. Maybe I was wrong. . . He's way too nice towards me. "My name is Y/N." I said and he started smiling even brighter. "Nice to meet you, Y/N." He said and I shivered as he said my name. I don't know what's happening to me and this kind of scares me. . . He left go of me and I put some hair behind my ear nervously. Damn, I've never felt this nervous. "Ehm. . . Would you like to join me on finishing all this ice cream?" "As long as you don't mind." He said and we smiled at each other. I payed and we got out of the store. "I have never seen you around. Are you new here?" Martinus said as we were walking down the streets. "In fact no. I'm just not a person who goes out a lot." "And why so?" "Ehm, I'm a singer." I said and he stopped walking. "Really? That's pretty cool. I guess I'm bothering you then." He said and wanted to leave, but I stopped him by taking his hand. "Don't think it like that. I really need some company, and you're literally the only one who has treaten me normal until now." I said with a little smile. "So, you really want to talk with me?" He said surprised and I laughed. "Why is it that hard to believe that? I'm just a girl who wants to make a friend." "Friend?" Martinus said and I just took him by hand sending him to a park. I handed him a box and a spoon and did the same for myself. "I'm sorry for my behaviour. I just got a little bit shocked to know that I'm talking with a famous singer." Martinus said and I nodded with my mouth full. "Uhm, this is so good omg!" I said while taking another bite. "Do you know that actually this is my first time eating ice cream?" "You're kidding me!" "Sadly no. They have forbidden me from eating it, "because I might lose my voice"." I said imitating my mum's voice and we started laughing. "I guess you have a busy life with strict rules." He said while looking at me. "I'm dead, Martinus. The life I have can't be called a life." I said and looked away. "I don't know you at all, but I'm sorry for everything you have to go through. If I can do something to help you, just tell me." Martinus said and placed his hand on my shoulder, causing me to warm up. And then happened something that I would never expect to happen. I hugged him and started tearing up on his chest. I really needed someone to hug me and calm me down. For my luck Martinus didn't push me away or something. He just pulled me even closer and hugged me tight. "Everything will be okay." He said as I kept on crying over and over again, letting out the pain somehow. . .

🖤𝕷𝖆 𝖉𝖎 𝖉𝖎𝖊🖤
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] In this story you will get to know Y/N Y/L/N, a famous singer whose faith will be connected to a normal boy named Martinus Gunnarsen. Even though their worlds are totally different, there's a secret hidden from everyone; even from those...