🖤31th part🖤

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I really can't tell for how long we have been kissing, but we finally managed to pull out. For sure we'd have continued if we didn't need to catch some air. After getting back to normal we looked at each other and our cheeks turned light pink. Wow. . . I can't explain what just had happened, but I can tell that none of us expected this. . . "I'm sorry. . ." I said and ran my fingers through my hair. "No need to. . . It was kind of surprising but I can't deny that I enjoyed it way too much." He said and came near. Slowly he pressed his lips into mines and bited my lower lip before breaking the kiss. "It just feels like the right thing to do." He said and I smiled at him. "You're very important to me. We have met just a couple of times, but it feels longer. Whatever is behind all of this, just remember that I. . ." Suddenly I stopped. . . FOR A LITTLE I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT I LOVE HIM!!! His face expression changed to a disappointed one. No, no, no. . . I hate seeing him like that. . . What is stopping me from telling him the truth? Telling him that I love him; that my heart beats only for him. . . Maybe I'm just scared that what I feel isn't love. . . I'm scared of hurting both of us. "I understand. . . It's okay. . . Let's just forget about what happened earlier. . ." He said and it hurted like a knife in my heart. He can't just expect me to forget it. He can't expect me to forget the taste of his lips and all that chemistry that we experienced a while ago. . . "Martinus, it's not what you think. . ." I tried to explain myself, but he cut me off. "Don't worry about it. No one will get to know about this, I promise. Are we still okay though?" He said and showed me a little smile. No, please. . .
He thinks I'm scared that my reputation might get destroyed because of this. . . "I love you." I said and started kissing him without letting him to think of anything else. I pressed my body into his and eventually my body got fire. The feeling of him close to me was making me get out of control. It felt like I couldn't stop myself because someone else had control over my body; and that's the love I have for him. . . He was kissing me back and slade his tongue inside my mouth. I loved this. . . Our tongues were fighting for dominance and I could feel all the pleasure that was pounding from our hearts. Everything of me wanted everything of him. . . This might seem very stupid to Martinus; first I kind of rejected him and then all of sudden I tell him that I love him and now we are here, out in the middle of nowhere making out. I could just tell him that I love him and nothing else. This is what my brain had planned, but my heart had other plans. . . Sadly I had to break the kiss otherwise I would end up doing more. . . Martinus was looking at me and breathing fast. "Whatever you thought because of my silence isn't true. I love you, Martinus! For the first time in my life I got to love someone. I'm just scared of hurting you. . . and myself too. If making someone losing all the command of their body and make them ache for you is really love, then believe me when I tell you that I'm all yours, Martinus." I said and Martinus pulled me into his grip. "I love you too, Y/N! You own me. From today I am your slave and all I'll ever need is your love!" He said and we smiled at each other. We belonged to each other and no one could say the opposite.

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