🖤24th part🖤

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"Marcus told me that he won't have a scholarship anymore. May I know the reason why?" I asked while trying to stay calm. "Oh, that one. . ." He said and stopped walking. "The problem is that people think that he doesn't deserve the scholarship." He said and I looked at him shocked. "What? Who says that?! My brother works so hard and people just try to destroy everything!" "Yeah. Some students even wanted to send me to the court. Believe me when I tell you that I didn't want to do this, but I'm also in danger." The principal said and I sighed. "I understand. . . How much do we need to pay each month?" "5600€" he said and I had to gulp. "I'm really sorry, because I know your conditions, but there's nothing I can do." "Anyways, thanks for your time. We will try to pay in time." After greeting with him I went out of there with millions of thoughts spinning around my head. I really hate those people who caused this to happen. . . For sure they are jealous of him. . . But for real it's ridiculous! Not everyone can afford to pay for their studies; and just because you are stupid it doesn't give you the right to destroy someone's life. I really feel sorry for Marcus; I also feel sorry that I might not be able to get enough money. . . I wish I could ask for some help, but I just can't. I'm not used of needing help especially when it comes for money. . . About our parents? I know that Marcus doesn't want to upset them, either do I. I can ask Kerem. . . No. . . I'd feel bad to do that . . .
(Y/N's Pov) "For real I can't believe that you are coming back to continue the university!" Taylor said almost yelling from excitement while we were walking. "Well I hate starting something and not finish it." I said and smiled. "How did you convince your mother though? Wasn't she the one who stopped you from coming?" "Yeah, it was hard to make her understand. It ended up with a huge fight and all our neighbours heard us!" I said and rolled my eyes annoyed. "I hate your mother. Sorry, not sorry." Taylor said and we started laughing. I'm really happy that for once in my life I got to do something that I chose by myself. "By the way, tell me about what's happening inside that boring building. I haven't been for a very long time and I guess many things have changed." I said. "Well, you're right. It's not like it has changed for good though." She said and I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" "There's a group of some rich kids, who own literally the school. It's formed by five people; Derek, Matt, Jenna, Stina and the leader of the group, Ashton. They get whatever they want and not even the principal can do anything about it. He's a puppet on their hands. The weirdest thing is that they get obsessed with someone even if they didn't do anything to them. By the way, they play as a band; a rock band. They win every year at the talents show of the university because everyone is so scared to go against them. Their new victim is Marcus Gunnarsen and I'm sorry because he's a pure angel." Taylor said. To be honest I feel bad for what he must be going through. Someone must stop them.

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