🖤27th part🖤

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I got out of his office and saw that Taylor is waiting for me outside the building. "You finished job?" She said and I nodded. "All the school is saying that you protected Marcus today at the canteen. Is this true?" "Well, yes. I couldn't just stay there and watch them making fun of him." I said as we kept on walking. "You have put yourself in trouble, superhero." Taylor said. I really don't want to think about it. I don't think that they're able to do something to me. I mean. . . "Y/N, you really must be careful from now on. You can never know what they're planning to do to you." Taylor said worried. "I'll be okay. Don't worry." I said and gave her a smile. We hugged each other and each of us started their way back home. I could have taken the car but I need some fresh air. <<< "My girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N, who owns all those cars prefers walking." Martinus said and we both started laughing. "Because walking is more enjoyable. You can be out, see the nature, feel the fresh air and walk hand in hand with the person you love." I said and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. "And do you have any person you love?" He said while looking deep in my eyes. "Yes, I do. I love him so much." "And who is this person?" "You really want to know?" I said and he nodded. In that moment I started kissing him and put my tongue inside his mouth. "What a naughty girlfriend I have!" Martinus said and immediately after that he started kissing me back and placed his hands on my belly. . . >>> I stopped for a while in the middle of the road and for sure my face was all red. I really feel weird when those visions appear. . . It's like they have happened before, but it seems that I don't remember them. Anyways, that's impossible because I've just met Martinus. . . I pushed my thoughts away and continued walking. As I got inside the house I went to search for my mum, but surprisingly she wasn't home. That's weird! She's always home because she never does anything at all. Just imagine if she has found a boyfriend lol! In fact it would be good for her and maybe she could become a better person. People say that when you find true love, you change for good and leave all your bad habits behind; all of this just because the person you love becomes everything you want. I hope I'll get to experience this too. . . I went to the kitchen because I was hungry and I needed to prepare something. Right then my phone started ringing and I picked it up. WAIT! MARTINUS WANTS US TO FACETIME?! SHOULD I OPEN IT?! "Hi, Y/N! How are you?" Martinus said and I was simping over his beautiful smile. Yeah, as you can see I decided to accept the call. "I'm good. What about you?" I said and smiled back. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking." He said and I just wished that he was here. . . "What are you doing? Anything new?" Martinus said. "Well, first I had a huge fight with my mum." I said annoyed. "But it was worth it. I convinced her to let me go back to university." "That's amazing. May I know in which university you go?" He said and someone rushed inside Martinus's room.

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