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[Davina x. Lionhearts]

This is the final chapter of
the crossover event between this book, Davina, and my other completed HP fan-fiction book Lionhearts. See my previous author's note in Davina for an in-depth explanation, if you haven't already. The other crossover chapters may also be read in Davina under the name of "crossover chapters" and should be considered spoilers to both books if you have not read both.


Lionhearts exists in a parallel world to Davina, in which Harry Potter had a twin named Lily Rose Potter and the girl who is known as Davina Malfoy does not exist. This crossover takes place nearly six years after the Order wins the Second Wizarding War in Lionhearts. The war still rages on in 'Davina'.


DAVINA WAS ONCE a brave little girl with a pure heart and good intentions. She used to yearn for friends who would understand her and accept her for everything that her family would not. She had a wicked smile, an amazing sense of humor, and a talent for causing chaos that could only have come from the Black genes in her blood. She was never really carefree or happy as a kid -- not with her upbringing -- but she was different. The weight of the world didn't hang so heavily from her soul. She was so young, and yet she was tired of it already -- of leading a fight she never asked for in the first place. As she sat down across the kitchen table in Harry Potter's cozy little cottage just over the rolling hills of the Burrow, she could see the tiredness and trauma in the dark circles beneath Lily Potter's eyes. There was a different sense of tiredness about her that her brother did not have. It was quiet and dwindling, and she suppressed much of it when she faced those she loved so that she could shoulder their burdens.

Lily Potter may have been privy to moments of weakness -- after all she had been through, she was allowed -- but she was extremely strong and powerful. Anyone who just met her might not think so. Some people who knew her might not have been able to see it since before the war, but Davina saw it as clearly as day. It had been six years since the end of the war, yet Lily Potter continued to carry the weight of the world on her scarred shoulders.

That was why Lily immediately knew that she could trust Davina. She was always intuitive and trusted her instincts, but from the moment she laid eyes on the blonde beauty, she knew Davina was a kindred soul. The woman was shrouded in darkness and rough around the edges, but her eyes shined with her heart of gold. As a lionhearted being herself, Lily knew that she was just like her.

Davina sat impatiently across the table from the other Harry Potter, her ears perked as she listened to Lily quickly recount the story of what they were doing and why it was so important. She expected the young man to question them on how such magic could be possible or how they knew they could trust her just like the Harry in her world would have, but he didn't. He was certainly surprised and a little wary but by the end of it, he regarded both of them with a sort of tired amusement.

"Well..." He began, rubbing his face, "At least we managed to get six good years out of it."

Lily's mind flashed with memories new and old of her lengthy recovery and hardships.

She scoffed, "Speak for your fucking self."

"Do you regret it?" Davina asked Lily earnestly.

Lily fixed her with a surprised stare. "What?"

"Do you regret living this life? With all of the magic and friends came evil and hardship. You're still suffering for it...much like I am. But you weren't always part of the magical world -- you lived a Muggle life once."

Lily didn't know how to answer that. She spluttered and shook her head. Lily didn't feel the same way about things as she used to. She didn't love the same things or find certain things charming anymore. She gained a lot, but she also lost much more.

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