Year 4 | The Quidditch World Cup

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IT WAS WHAT the darkness had promised

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IT WAS WHAT the darkness had promised.

It was a dark and dreary summer night and the moonlight illuminated a small, worn down village. In an old, under kept house identical to the rest, an old man, a muggle caretaker, walked unevenly into his kitchen. He struck a match against an old matchbox a light a gas oven as he prepared a kettle. As the old man dowsed the small flame under the sink faucet, his eye caught sight of the abandoned house opposite his own. Within it, a light was turned on, which was out of the ordinary since her was the only caretaker for the structure. Letting out an irritated grunt, the old man stopped what he was doing and walked to the door.

"Bloody kids." He grunted.

The old man left his own home and headed towards the house across the street. Using a ring of key, he unlocked the front door and quietly entered the house, using the dim light from an oil lamp to guide his way in the darkness. He began climbing the stairs when whispers and hushed voices were heard coming from upstairs. Silently, realizing the intruder were not children at all, he waited outside of the room on the stairs and listened in.

"Oh no, no, no, my Lord Voldemort." The stuttering voice of Peter Pettrigrew sounded, "I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it without the twins..."

"NO!" The crude and strangulated voice of Voldemort himself hissed, "The twins are everything, it cannot be done without them and it WILL be done exactly as I say!"

Through the crack of the door which had been left ajar, the old man spied on them.

"I will not disappoint you my lord." The guttural voice of an unknown man spoke obediently.

"Good." Voldemort's gravely voice sent shivers down the muggle's spine, "First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign."

A large boa-constrictor snake slithered past the old man and through the partly open door, hissing as it wrapped around the top of a large that the two men stood before.

"Nagini tells me the old caretaker is standing outside the door." Voldemort spoke calmly. Wormtail stood in the doorway and looked at the old man with a crazed grin. The old muggle man looked terrified and had a right to be.

"Step aside, Wormtail," Voldemort began to snarl and Wormtail, maintaining the sinister grin on his face, stepped aside and opened the door. The old man held his arms up in surrender as fear shook his entire body. "So I can give our guest a proper greeting!"

A loud spell was casted and Harry Potter woke up in a flash of panic.

"Harry!" The familiar feminine voice of Hermione Granger shouted as the young teenager shook the boy from his nightmare. As he shot up, she could see he was flushed and still panicking.

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