Year 1 | Old Wounds and New Blood

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SUNSHINE PEERED THROUGH the tall glass windows of the Hogwarts hospital wing, illuminating the room and warming Lily Potter's fair skin as it beamed down on the bed in which she laid

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SUNSHINE PEERED THROUGH the tall glass windows of the Hogwarts hospital wing, illuminating the room and warming Lily Potter's fair skin as it beamed down on the bed in which she laid. Her eyelashes fluttered and she wrinkled her nose as consciousness began to spread over her. When her eyes opened she squinted against the light and stared at the elevated ceiling for a moment -- she noticed she was no longer below the school but was in the hospital wing. Lily turned her head on her pillow and saw Harry laying in a bed beside her still in an unconscious state.

Slowly, she sat up and looked at her leg which was molded into a hard cast from m-thigh to foot. Lily groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose, only to see that bruises also littered her arms. She dropped back down onto her pillow and turned over to face Harry's bed when she saw it: her silver invisibility ring was placed over a slip of parchment. After slipping her ring back onto her finger, she took the parchment and read it:


A small smile graced Lily's lips as she read the note. When she put it down and swung her legs over the bed to try to stand, a familiar wise voice spoke up.

"You should rest, Lily." she jumped upon hearing his voice and saw him sitting on a chair in between their beds. "There will be plenty of time to get up and about later."

"Headmaster Dumbledore, wha--" she paused as Harry stirred and soon awoke just as she did moments ago. After he propped himself up and noticed the hard cast on his wrist and bruises to accompany, his head snapped in every direction until he spotted Lily.

"Hey." his gaze fell on her cast and he could vividly recall hearing her screams as she landed horribly on her leg in the underground chamber. "Your leg."

"Your arm." she mimicked him and shrugged. "Bones mend and bruises heal. But we're alive."

"Indeed you are." Harry jumped as Albus Dumbledore spoke in front of them. Lily and Harry had yet to notice the stacks of sweets and goodies on the tables at the end of their beds. "Good afternoon, Harry, Lily." he took notice of the sweets as well, "Ah. Tokens from your admirers?"

"Admirers?" they asked.

He chuckled and nodded, "What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows."

They all smiled and Dumbledore gestured to the empty chocolate frog containers on Harry's table, "Ah, I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs."

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