Year 3 | Secrets Undone

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HERMIONE, RON, AND the Weasley twins sat around the bedsides of Harry and Lily

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HERMIONE, RON, AND the Weasley twins sat around the bedsides of Harry and Lily. The Potter twins were brought into the hospital wing after their fall and the four friends had come back to visit them, for Madame Pomfrey predicted that they would wake up today. As they sat quietly, Ron spoke up as he observed an unconscious Harry and Lily. "They look a bit peaky, don't they?"

"Peaky?" Fred retorted angrily as he sat with George beside an unconscious Lily, "What d'you expect them to look like? They fell more than fifty feet."

"Yeah, c'mon, Ron." George added on, "We'll walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking."

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Harry croaked as he awoke from his unconscious state. He opened his eyes and the four of his friends slowly came into focus, standing at the foot of their beds.

"Harry!" Hermione sighed in relief, "How're you feeling?"

As Harry edged up against his pillow, he saw a nurse removing spokes of an umbrella from a Hufflepuff player's neck. He didn't look so good himself.

"Brilliant." He groaned.

"You both gave us a right good scare, mate." George said, glancing at his twin brother.

"What happened?"

"You fell off your broom." Ron replied.

"Really?" He said sarcastically, "I meant the match. Who won?"

Then Harry remembered and shot up, "Lily!" He looked to the bed beside him and almost sobbed at the sight.

Lily laid unconscious in the bed to his right, he wrist and hand were confined to a hard cast. As opposed to him, she had quite a few black and blue bruises along her arms. Fred held onto the hand that was not in a cast and Harry could see his eyes were red.

He had been crying.

"She took most of the fall, mate." Ron told him.

"She held onto you with all of the strength she had, Harry, even after she fell off of her broom." Hermione said with a frown, "She wouldn't let go."

Harry could not stop staring at his sister.

"No one blames you, Harry. The Dementors aren't meant to come on the grounds." Hermione broke the silence, "Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you two, he sent them straight off."

"Good thing." Lily spoke up, her voice hoarse. Their hands snapped towards her as she opened her eyes. "Because I would have kicked their a*ses."

Fred managed a chuckle, putting on his best poker face, "I think that is physically impossible."

"You don't think I could take them?" Lily asked as she slowly sat up.

"Oh, no, we think you could." George said, "It's the kicking part."

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