Year 4 | The Spectacular Now

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Lily Potter looked out at the darkening blue sky as the blazing sun began to set in hues of pink and orange. She sat in the middle of the floor of the highest tower Hogwarts castle where no one ever ventured and pushed her red hair back, which had grown considerably long again. She had needed some time to herself, to unwind, but she could not do that in her dormitory where Hermione and Ginny were sure to have been present.

"God, I miss you so much..." She sighed, "I know Harry misses you two, even if he doesn't always show me so."

Lily thought about the golden egg sitting on Harry's night table and set her jaw. They only had a few more weeks until the next task and they weren't even close to figuring out the clue within the egg. She thought about Harry before the first task and how nervous he was, and she hated it. It was not fair, none of it was.

"This isn't fair. We didn't ask for this, for any of it and yet here we're here." Lily huffed, "Sometimes, I just want to ..."

She stood up and walked towards the railing of the tower, looking up at the sky for a sign, any sign, that her parents were listening.

"It's doesn't matter." Lily licked her dry lips, "I made a vow to Harry and our friends and now I'm making this same vow to both of you. I won't be selfish anymore because he comes first, they all do. No more crying, no more tantrums. I will get us of this tournament alive and when the time comes, I will face our forsaken destiny with my head held high as you would have wanted."

Sighing, Lily moved away from the railing and towards the stairs that led her up there. As she began to defend them, she looked back at the sky and the fierceness in her expression was evident.

"I promise." And Lily Potter was known to keep her word. Lily descended the stairs all that way down to the first floor of the castle as many students began making their way to the great hall for dinner. Before she could blend in with the walking crowd, George spotted her and called out her name.


The girl turned her head and when her eyes found George, he discretely suppressed his grin and walked over to her as she came to a halt.

"Hey, Georgie."

"I need to ask a favor of you."

"Okay, shoot." Lily gestured.

"It's not a favor for me, per say." He continued, gesturing for her to walk with him.

She moved alongside him curiously, fixing her red sweater as she did. Christmas was approaching quite quickly, being only a few days away, and Lily had already gotten gifts for her loved ones. Hagrid, as always, dragged large Christmas trees into the castle and teachers decorated them with magic. This year, they were allowing students to put on any of their own sentimental ornaments on the trees. Lily expected the twins would decorate the trees with Peppered Peppermint Candy Canes, made courtesy of Lily, on the trees to prank any who decided to eat them.

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