Year 1 | Through A Looking Glass

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        NIGHTFALL CAME QUICKLY enough for the four Gryffindors when they set their plan into motion

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        NIGHTFALL CAME QUICKLY enough for the four Gryffindors when they set their plan into motion. This time, Lily Potter showed no reluctance in pursuing their dangerous quest, in fact, she seemed hungry for it. The young Potters were already waiting downstairs in the dark common at around midnight when Hermione and Ron appeared a few moments later dressed in warm jumpers. When they locked eyes it was as if an unspoken agreement settled between them and they nodded their heads. Harry thought to bring his Cloak along but decided against it -- he didn't want to lose it or get it ruined.

As the lot of them made their way past the squashy armchairs and unlit fireplace to the portrait hole, there was a low croak and they whipped around. Lily pointed to the floor where Neville's toad, Trevor, stood idly and watched them with his slitted eyes.

"Trevor." Harry sighed in relief.

"Trevor shh!" whispered Ron as he tried to shoo the toad away, "Go, you shouldn't be here!"

"Neither should you!" Their heads all snapped up toward the pudgy boy sitting up from his armchair. Neville Longbottom turned to them and with an exasperated voice, "You're sneaking out again, arent you?"

"Now, Neville, listen. We were--" began Harry.

"No! I won't let you!" exclaimed Neville, who then proceeded into an awkward offensive stance, "You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! I-I'll fight you."

"Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this..." Hermione drew her draw from her pocket and posies it at him, "Petrificus Totalus."

Neville went stiff and rigid and like a statue, he dropped ungracefully to the floor with a loud thud. Harry and Ron exchanged nervous grins -- they knew now not to cross Hermione Granger. Ron helped Lily drag Neville to the nearest squashy sofa, where they lifted him and set him down. When Lily slipped a pillow beneath his head, Ron could have sworn he heard her mutter something ("Sorry, Neville") before he turned to Hermione and gulped.

"You're a little scary sometimes... d'you know that? Brilliant, but scary."

She stifled a smile.

"Let's go." Harry walked past Neville and uttered an apology before opening the portrait. 

"Sorry." muttered Hermione.

"It's for your own good, you know." sighed Ron. As the other three climbed out of the portrait hole, Lily whispered in Neville's ears

"I know you can hear me. The spell will wear off soon and as soon as it does, we need you to rush to Professor McGonagall or Dumbledore and tell them we went after the stone. They'll know what you mean." Their lives may depend on it, on him.

Lily ran out of the common room and the Fat Lady's portrait shut quietly behind them. They all looked at Lily for further directions; this was where she took charge. In a single file, they trailed quickly behind her as she descended a set of stairs and slipped into an eastern corridor. She approached a particularly shiny suit of armor.

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