Year 3 | The Locket

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DECEMBER 24th, 1980

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DECEMBER 24th, 1980


It was the night of Christmas Eve in the year of 1980 and all was merry and bright in Godric's Hallow, where the Potter house was cheerily decorated with colored lights and decorations. Fluffy white snow covered the ground outside of the homes, adding into the happy and serene scene. The previous week, James Potter and Sirius Black had spent an entire day putting up Christmas decorations at the persistent request of Lily Potter. Of course, the two best friends had cheated in the process and fooled around, sipping hot butterbeer as they let magic do all of the work.

Inside of the cozy home, a beautiful Christmas tree was put up in the living room. It twinkled with colorful lights, red tinsel and sentimental ornaments that the family of four had decorated it with together. Four stockings with the names of the married couple and their twin children were pinned on the mantel of the lit fireplace, already filled with goodies. Lily Potter was standing on the very top step of a step-ladder as she attempted on putting a twinkling star at the very top of the decorated tree.

"James!" She called out as she succeeded in placing the star. "You'd better not be eating the cookies!"

As she moved to step down from the ladder, she caught her foot and went falling. She gasped, only to be caught into the safe and warm arms of James. When he looked down at her lovingly, oblivious to the fact that he was still holding her, Lily laughed. Her laugh was melodic and bright, like the sweet chime of holiday bells; he had fallen in love with her laugh. She was always smiling and laughing, even when the times may have been hard. It was why everyone loved her: she was a light amid any darkness.

"Be careful, Lily." He chuckled.

"Why should I when I have you to catch me?" She giggled as he set her down.

Harry and Lillian, who were only five months of age at the time, had been set down in a padded play pen as they fiddled with the toys around them. As Lily tailed James into the kitchen and passed by her children, she cooed at them. Lily gurgled back whilst Harry did not take notice to his mother, having been too caught up with an empty box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans which he had put his arm into. Lily entered the kitchen and looked at the counter to where she had set a plate of freshly made sugar cookies. The one shaped like a Christmas tree was missing and so she looked at her husband and narrowed her eyes at him as he mixed his mug of hot chocolate.

"Did you eat one of these cookies?"

"I have no clue what you are talking about." A guilty expression crept up onto his face as she made her way around the island.

"Oh really?" She stopped in front of him and smirked, "Then why is there green frosting on the corner of your mouth?"

"Oh, come on, Lily! Have a heart!" James pleaded childishly.

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