Year 5 | Until I See You Again

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       PROFESSOR MINERVA MCGONAGALL would have been lying if she said she disliked the antics of the Weasley Three

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       PROFESSOR MINERVA MCGONAGALL would have been lying if she said she disliked the antics of the Weasley Three. As a matter of fact, she had a rather special place in her heart for the Weasley twins and Lily Potter, for they reminded her of a similar group of students she taught many years before. While the Weasley Three knew of her fondness for them, never in their entire lives had they expected her to aid them in a prank as she did on their last day.

     Peeves the Poltergeist was levitating about the room, busying himself with a classroom chandelier when Professor McGonagall stopped in the doorway. An expression of concentration was etched upon to ugly Poltergeist's face as he attempted to unscrew the chandelier. For a moment, she watched silently and then clasped her hands in front of her. Peeves spotted her and prepared to release a wet raspberry on her, until she said the most unexpected of things.

      "Peeves," she began, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards, "It unscrews the other way."

       A grin spread across the Poltergeist's face, reaching from ear to ear as he began to get to work.

      She then spoke again. "You can come out now, Weasleys, Miss Potter."

       Fred, George and Lily emerged from the back of the room, where they had hidden themselves behind a stack of cabinets. They walked towards her apprehensively, expecting a scornful look and points lost from Gryffindor for cutting their classes. They did not receive either, but instead....

 They did not receive either, but instead

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      "What are you three up to, hmm?"

     They exchanged glances at each other and began to empty their pockets on a desk next to them. Lily grabbed her messenger bag and spilled the contents onto the desk as well, revealing the many Fillibuster Fireworks, Color Bombs, Weasleys' Wildfire Wiz-Bangs and Decoy Detonators they had stowed away in their depths of their bags and pockets.

      "Do I even want to know?" she eyed the conspicuous products.

      "Well, Professor..." began Fred.

     "You only need one word to explain it, really..." added George.

     "Umbridge." finished Lily.

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