Year 1 | Legacies

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       "I CAN'T BELIEVE it!" Ron exclaimed incredulously as he caught up to Harry and Lily in the West wing corridor

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE it!" Ron exclaimed incredulously as he caught up to Harry and Lily in the West wing corridor. He had just heard the news from Percy, who was friends with Oliver Wood. "You two made the Quidditch team?!"

"Hey, now. What's so surprising about that besides that fact that I'm a first year?" Lily gave him a teasing grin and he began to splutter. "You don't think a girl can play Quidditch?!"

Fred and George popped up out of no where as they rounded the corner bend and Fred clapped a hand on his little brother's shoulder. "Girls can play Quidditch, alright."

"Yeah, Ronald," George played along, "Don't be so sexist."

"Shut up." He mumbled. Fred and George, though they were in their third year at Hogwarts, never let their duties of teasing their younger brother slip them by.

Fred abandoned his little brother and draped his arms around the Potters. "Good job Harry, Lily! Wood's just told us!"

They couldn't help the prideful smiles that bloomed on their faces. This was their chance to be remembered as something other than those who vanquished He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named when they were infants.

"Fred and George are on the Gryffindor team, too." Ron explained when the flush in his cheeks went down. "They're Beaters."

"Yeah." They uttered in unison with stupid grins. "Our job's to make sure you both don't get bloodied up too bad."

Ron and Harry had sparked up a conversation amongst each other and left Lily to fall back into the same pace as the twins. The Weasley boys smirked down at her.

"So, have you considered our offer?" queried Fred.

"I have...I'm in."

"This is going to be absolutely wicked."

They joined together at the Gryffindor table with Dean and Seamus as everyone who was seated awaited the post, which arrived just after they scarfed down their mealy breakfasts. Neville joined them just as dozens of owls swooped in through the mail chute dropping letters, parcels, and packages.

Admittedly, it was much to Harry's surprise when he reached for another piece of crispy bacon and instead had a long package dropped on his arm. Another landed before Lily and their respective owls squawked gleefully at their accomplishments. The packages which were about five feet in length and a foot in width, were wrapped in brown paper and tied off with twine. The Potters exchanged confused glances as if to agree that there must have been some mistake; they never received mail, much less such large packages.

"No way." He shook his head in disbelief. It was too good to be true. "There's been a mistake."

"Your names are right there, mate." Ron pointed out.

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