Year 7 | Together We Greet Death

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UNFORTUNATE EVENTS HAPPEN all the time. Children are orphaned and lovers never share a last kiss. Sometimes the villains win. Heroines die. Wars are lost. Unfortunate events happens all of the time to even the best of people, but you never expect them to happen to you.

Lily Potter was a dear friend of Death. Her parents, her godfather, her friends and every single soul falling in the line of fire around her was welcomed into the open of arms of Death — and the whispers of their last breaths sailed in the breeze, motivating those growing tired of fighting. Lily knew Death better than anyone because she escaped his clutches – or did he free her? – and the taste of nothingness still lingered on her cut lips.

Everything about May 2nd was unfortunate. The stench of coppery blood was thick in the muggy Spring air and the hoard of spells cutting across the ground in a sickening panoply of lights. These were the grounds where students grew up. Lily sat on those very grasses with her brother and her friends. This place was a macabre of memories and now people were dropping likes flies.

Harry was searching for the diadem. Hermione and Ron destroyed Helga Hufflepuff's cup – that was another horcrux down. August teamed up with Neville and Luna to bring the wounded to a safe haven. Neville and Seamus just blew up the bridge. Fred and George manned the helm of the castle with their father, Kingsley and Remus. Tonks was close behind. Everyone was fighting, protecting except for one. Lily didn't notice at first; she was preoccupied with Bellatrix and Avery Jr. as they backed her into the Great Hall.

"You should be dead." snarled Bellatrix, aiming an Imperio at her. Avery danced around the women, ready to strike.

"I could say the s-same for you." Lily bit back. In the blink of an eye, she rounded on Avery and slammed him in the chest with an Avada.

Bellatrix watched him fall lifelessly and cackled because she couldn't care less about anyone else. "Well, Lily Potter, we've finally got the duel we've always wanted." She aimed an avada at the girl but Lily ducked out of the way – there was no blocking an avada. Lily was so lucky with the next cast as the women climbed onto the bleachers, "Crucio! Ahaha!" Bellatrix laughed gleefully and Lily dropped to her knees and clutched her head as the all too familiar stabbing pain struck her and the vivid memories washed over her. Bellatrix buried the dagger into her thigh. The boy Lily barely knew was dead. Sara caterwauled into the night – it was short. She stared at the decomposing face of Gregorovitch. A flash of green light and she was falling–

Lily's vision was obscured by a blanket of fiery red hair as Ginny Weasley pulled her to her feet. The younger girl pushed her behind her and poised her wand lividly at the mad bitch. "You're going to die today."

Bellatrix laughed and casted at her. Ginny back away, deflecting each spell as Lily composed herself. A pool of blood, red hands, pain... Ginny barely dodged a diffindo and Lily flinched, falling off of the edge of the bleachers. She clenched her teeth and awaited impact with the ground but was surprised to be caught by Draco. As he set her down, she smelled his singed clothes and the thin layer of sweat coating his pale skin. "T-Thanks for that."

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