FINAL BONUS CHAPTER 7 | Adventures Forevermore [DAVINA]

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Hello everyone. Upon finishing up the last few chapters of my other HP book, DAVINA, I have decided that this will be the last bonus chapter/addition to LIONHEARTS that I will ever post. With the end of DAVINA, all of my works on Wattpad are officially complete and I have long since decided to take a permanent step back from Wattpad. I will interact with you lovely readers from time to time, but my time as an author on this platform has served its purpose and now I am moving on. I want to thank you all so much for your support, and I hope that this bonus ending brings closure to the journey you have followed for so long. Now, it is up to you to imagine the life of the lionhearted woman they call Lily Rose Potter beyond the written word. I know I will.

You do not necessarily need to read the entirety of DAVINA to understand this bonus ending, though it is highly encouraged for a complete understanding. All you need to know is that DAVINA and LIONHEARTS exist in worlds parallel to each other, and Davina has crossed the boundary to travel between the two worlds. This chapter exists with a different beginning in DAVINA to follow that storyline, just as this chapter begins differently to fit the LIONHEARTS story. 


LILY ROSE POTTER knew what was meant to come and her hands trembled as she held the phial over the pensieve. Her vivid, haunted green eyes stared at the wispy memory as she poured it into the glimmering pool of magic. Ever since she met the haunted woman from another world who called herself Davina, she realized that the only way to conquer her demons once and for all was to face that which she feared most. The woman was a young girl at heart, yearning for magnificent adventures just like that first day in her small bedroom, and the thing that she feared most was seeing those adventures coming to an end. She was afraid of endings, whether they were happy or sad, and although she knew how this one ended, it would be a blow to the heart all the same. She braced herself and submitted herself to the all of the memories that her godfather ever stored for her, allowing them to swallow her whole and expose her to the childhood she forgot she had. There were dozens of memories, maybe even a hundred, and she saw no greater purpose than to piece the puzzle together at last and find the closure he always wanted her to have. A few memories -- the most powerful and potent -- claimed her as their own

ON THAT SPRING evening when all was strangely peaceful and quiet, Severus Snape planned to end his life. In the sweet-smelling air outside, flowers abandoned their branches and with them fell the hopes of many as the reign of the Dark Lord pressed on. Despair rode in the wind and Severus relished in it – now everyone could feel what he felt every day of his miserable life.

He didn't always feel that way – as if the whole world was plotting against his happiness. Then again, what was the world worth when the one woman who held his entire world in her eyes had fallen in love with another man? She married James Potter. She's having his child. There was no hope for Severus to ever win over Lily Evan's heart – at least not in this lifetime – and he realized this fact just this morning when he received an invitation to her baby shower. What a Muggle thing to do.

Of course, he wasn't going to attend because he refused to look James Potter in the eyes and have to live with the memory of that smug smirk he knew the arrogant man would wear upon seeing him. How could Lily love such a scoundrel? He had know Lily Evans months before they first attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In fact, he was the person who told her of the nature of her magical powers. He was there for her when her foul sister declared her as a freak of nature; when she knew nothing of the magic world. He loved her from the moment he set eyes on her, but years passed and he never had the courage to tell her. It was his own fault and now he had to live with it – or not.

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