Year 3 | Kissed By Shadows

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     HARRY, HERMIONE AND Ron stood outside of the castle amongst the buzzing of students,of whom were third years and olders

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     HARRY, HERMIONE AND Ron stood outside of the castle amongst the buzzing of students,of whom were third years and olders. Each student clutched a permission form in their hands which would allow them to go to Hogsmeade -- all except for Harry. The three of them passed by a glowering Filch as they moved to hear Professor McGonagall.

    "Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again." McGonagall said. The students began heading off of the castle ground in pursuit of Hogsmeade.

     The cold winter weather was approaching Hogwarts as Autumn began to come to a chilly end. Many students wore hats, gloves and coats to protect them from the cold, including Harry who zipped up his coat as he approached Professor McGonagall. Before he could utter a syllable, she spoke.

     "No permission form. No visiting the Village. That's the rule, Potter."

     "Yes, Professor, but I thought if you signed it or said I could go --" Harry had tried to reason.

     "But I don't say so. A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am neither, it would be inappropriate." She said. Then, with a flicker of pity, "I'm sorry, Potter. But that's my final word."

     As she walked away, Ron and Hermione watched Harry expectantly across the way and they saw him then and shake his head with a frown. Their faces fell at the fact that their best friend would not be accompanying them, but he smiled and raised his hand to wave them farewell. Reluctantly, they turned away and left, leaving Harry staring disappointedly behind them, gazing at the distant village of Hogsmeade.

     Silently, a familiar figure walked up next to Harry, their shoulder touching his own as they reached the same height. Lily gazed at the distant Hogsmeade as well, and then looked at her twin brother. She was dressed in an insulated beige-colored trench coat and her auburn-red hair was weaved back into a French braid.

     "I'm guessing you failed at convincing McGonagall to sign your slip?" She asked.

     "Yeah." He nodded.

     She looked back at the view, the ghost of a smirk forming on her lips, "I could get us in."

     He glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes, "It's sad that I actually believe you."

     "I will pretend I never heard that." Professor Lupin's voiced chimed up a few feet away from them.

      They turned to look at him and Lily held not an ounce of guilt on her face, naturally enough.

     "So. No Hogsmeade, eh?" They nodded their heads no and he nodded his head, "Let's take a walk."

     The three silently walked a few moments until they reached the large bridge connecting the castle with the rest of the grounds surround the vast land.

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