Year 3 | Deadly Omens

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     WHEN HERMIONE AWOKE after a good night's sleep, she sat up in her bed and yawned

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     WHEN HERMIONE AWOKE after a good night's sleep, she sat up in her bed and yawned. She looked over at Lily's bed, expecting to see the sleeping figure of her best friend, but the bed was already neatly made. She then looked over to see Ginny just waking up as she was, her red hair pulled back into a ponytail.

      "'Morning." Lily greeted as she peered her head out of the bathroom. She was doing her hair.

     "Good morning." Hermione greeted.

     "Morning." Ginny smiled sleepily.

     "Ginny, can I ask you for a favor?" Lily asked from the bathroom.

     "Sure." Ginny replied as she stood to make her bed.

     "I met a new first year last night. She was a bit nervous about her first day, so I was wondering if you could show her around? I mean, you are closer in age." She said, "I think you'll like her."

      "Okay." The girl, who was only a year their junior, nodded, "What's her name?"

     "Sloane Riley. She's pretty; curly blonde hair."

     "I'll keep my eyes out for her in the common room." Ginny nodded as she dressed into her day clothes and robes, "I'll see you guys later. I want to find my classes ahead of time."

     "Okay, see you later." Hermione smiled as she finished making her bed. Ginny waved and exited their bedroom, closing the door behind her.

     Lily emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed. She wore a sleeveless light-gray sweatshirt and boyfriend jeans that only slightly exposed her mid-riff depending upon her she moved. On her feet, she wore her old converse as she always did. She fixed her hair so that it was a side braid that led up to a messy-bun. Tiny auburn-red hairs fell out of it and onto the side of her face. As she observed her, Hermione really noticed how beautiful her best friend was. Now with her being a teenager, her curves and cleavage were starting to show even more.

     "Hermione? Earth to Hermione Granger?" She had been so entranced in observing Lily that she had not even noticed she was talking to her.

     "Oh, sorry." Hermione snapped out of it, "What did you say?"

     "I said 'good luck with your classes today.'"

     "Oh, thank you." Hermione stepped into the bathroom with her clothes. She began getting dressing.

     "No problem. I know you're every good with managing time." Lily smirked, sitting down on her trunk. Hermione peered out of the bathroom and looked at the smirking girl.

     "I-I don't know what you're talking about." She lied.

     "Hermione, leave the lying to me. I'm better at it." She responded, "But seriously, I think it's pretty cool that you're taking all of those classes. You can knock out some boring classes for next semester."

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