Year 2 | A Letter to Mrs. Weasley

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I hope you're doing alright

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I hope you're doing alright. It's been a hectic year for Harry, Ron and I. I'm sorry I haven't sent so many letters; between Quidditch and schoolwork and the ordeal regarding the Chamber of Secrets, I never really found any time to. The twins, Ron, and Ginny were there for us when we needed friends the most and I'm so thankful for them — that's why I've written this letter. I don't want any of you to worry, but you may not hear from me for a while.

Mrs. Weasley, I'm scared out of my word. I'm scared of not only of Voldemort (I hope you don't mind my using his name) but of what I may become because of him. I felt so unlike myself – dark, even – down in that chamber when Harry and I saved Ginny from Tom Riddle. I don't like feeling like that and I never want to again, but I have a feeling it is inevitable. In order to control my newfound magic and uncover more of my abilities so I won't have to be afraid anymore, Professor Severus Snape has invited me to his residence for a few weeks over the summer in order to help me. I hoped that maybe once I return to Harry, we could visit you all?

Anyway, thanks for everything Mrs. Weasley. I haven't written letters to the twins, Ron, or Ginny....I don't want to worry them. If you could, please explain it to them for me. I've already told Harry and although he doesn't understand it as much as I hoped he would, he's okay with it. I fear that upon my return to Hogwarts this year, I will not be the same Lily Potter everyone knows and loves. I hope you all will see me the same way though...I can't bear to have you see me as the freak that I feel that I am.

Love always,

Love always,

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