Year 5 | I Must Not Tell Lies

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LILY POTTER's GOOD mood, much like Harry's,  ended up the same way Padma and Parvati Patel's enchanted paper bird did

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LILY POTTER's GOOD mood, much like Harry's,  ended up the same way Padma and Parvati Patel's enchanted paper bird did. They had casted a spell on an origami bird to make it flutter around the Dark Arts classroom and the boys were have too much fun with it.

"Bring it over here." said Dean, waving his wand around, "Over here."

"Oh, go on, Seamus." said Ernie Ficklebot, using his wand to direct the bird towards his friend, "Go on, get it."

Seamus reached up and smacked the paper bird and it flew higher up towards the raised ceiling. It spiraled gracefully around until Goyle decided to slingshot a paper-ball at it, striking its wing. Just as it flew over to Padma and Parvati again, the poor animate paper bird burned to to ash and fell onto their desk.

Lily Potter sat back in her chair nonchalantly beside Hermione, while Harry and Ron sat in the desk beside them. She had stayed up with August, Fred and George, and eventually Harry. They had spoken and laughed for hours until finally retreating to their respective rooms, rendering Lily tired the next morning. She was much too tired to attend their first Dark Arts class with Professor Dolores Umbridge and as much as she wished Fluffy was there to eat the woman, fate would not allow her such a kindness.

They all looked over to see Professor Umbridge at the head of the room, lowering her wand. She clasped her hands in front of her and smiled sweetly at them, speaking in her honeyed voice, "Good morning, children."

Lily decided it was much too early to hear such a sickening voice, so she decided to tune her out

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Lily decided it was much too early to hear such a sickening voice, so she decided to tune her out.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations.  O-W-Ls. More commonly knows as OWLS." Professor Umbridge used her wand to write on the chalkboard. She stopped at the front of the room and looked over all of them. "Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

Either she did not notice every single student in the room mocking her, or she waved it off. But it was quite the sight to see even the Gryffindor students exchanging silent jokes with the Slytherin students. She waved her wand and the large stacks of books piled on the table behind her began to be distributed magically to each student throughout the room.

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